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Wilderness Medical Society - snowmass 2005

Title Slide

Tactical vs Non-Tactical Trauma Care

Tactical Combat Casualty Care in Special Operations
Military Medicine - August 1996

Bellamy Pie

* PREVENTABLE Causes of Death on the Battlefield
Bleeding to death from Extremity Wounds
Airway Obstruction (Maxillofacial trauma)
Wound infections and complications of shock
Surgically correctable torso trauma
Surgically uncorrectable torso trauma
Mutilating blast trauma
Overwhelming CNS injury

What departures from previous standards of care were recommended in TCCC?
How have the recommendations changed in the interim since 1996?
What evidence do we have that these recommendations are is working?

Phases of Care
Care under Fire
Tactical Field Care
Combat Casualty Evacuation (CASEVAC) Care

In the care under Fire Phase, it may be necessary for the combat medic to shoot first and treat

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