programmes with potential relevance for
seabuckthorn is the Industrial and En-
ergy Crops (including medicinal and
aromatic plants) programme, with activi-
ties for conservation of medicinal plants
through utilization.
ICUC, University of Southampton
Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK
Tel.: +44 1703 594229
Fax: 677519
International Centre for Integrated
Centre for Integrated
Mountain Development ICIMOD
Mountain Development ICIMOD
The International Centre for Inte-
grated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
in Kathmandu, Nepal, has been an im-
portant stakeholder and partner organi-
zation for ICRTS since its inception. It
has done a series of studies on the
promotion of seabuckthorn development
in the Hindu Kush-Himalayas. This in-
cludes the production of documents,
video films, exhibitions, and seminars.
ICIMOD's activities have impressed de-
cision-makers and planners in numer-
ous countries. ICRTS is keen to con-
tinue co-operation and exchange with
ICIMOD and to utilize ICIMOD's global
mandate for mountain development to
further impress upon its clients the im-
portance of seabuckthorn for this eco-
system. In a new development, ICIMOD
has agreed to our proposition and ex-
pressed its intention to join ICRTS as a
member. It is hoped that this new, more
formalized framework for co-operation
will open up new roads for more and
intensified efforts in seabuckthorn re-
search and development.
Dr. Tej Partap
Head, Mountain Farming Systems Divi-
P.O. Box 3226
Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel.: +977 1 525313, 525310
Fax: 524509, 536747
International Council for Medicinal
International Council for Medicinal
and Ar
and Aroomatic Plants - ICMAP
matic Plants - ICMAP
The International Council for Medici-
nal and Aromatic Plants provides a fo-
rum for co-operation between organiza-
tions, corporations, and individuals
working in the field of medicinal plants.
ICMAP does not aim at usurping its
members' activities but rather at repre-
senting them as a recognized interna-
tional body and at promoting interna-
tional understanding, co-operation, and
information exchange. ICMAP members
come from a wide range of specialized
fields including research, production,
marketing, etc. Areas of concern in-
clude, inter alia, quality control, har-
vesting, biodiversity, genetic resources
conservation, biotechnology, intellectual
property rights, etc.
ICRTS has joined ICMAP as an af-
filiated member.
Prof. Dr. K.H.C. Baser
Secretary General
ICMAP Secretariat
Anadolu University, TBAM
26470 Eskisehir, Turkey
Tel.: +90 222 3352952
Fax: 3350127