Spirit Elements rainbowfalls ww Page 2
Pump is too noisy: Make sure the pump is securely attached to the pan with the supplied suction cups. Be sure the
pump's output nozzle is securely inserted into the fountain's clear intake tube as forced water escaping the connection
may cause unwanted air bubble noise. Make sure the pump is completely submerged.
Fountain splashes: The rocks in the pan need to be adjusted so that they are in front of any splashing. You will find that
the sound of the fountain can be tuned in the same fashion. You may need to add some rocks between the rock trays
directly below the slate. This can reduce splashing as well as regulate water flow.
Water does not flow: Make sure pump output nozzle and rubber tube are inserted into the copper tube opening, pump is
completely submerged in water and the cord is plugged in to a working receptacle. If you have any questions concerning
the set-up of this fountain, do not hesitate to call our customer service department at 800-549-1880.
Note: Although the Fountains are designed not to splash, sweating from condensation and splashing droplets can occur if set up
incorrectly. As a precaution against water stains, please protect fine surfaces under and near fountain.