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Chinese Brass Cash Coins: 100 to 300 years old
with original square hole in center, dug up &
hard-to-find..........................................................$2.95 ea.
Vietnam Coins: Late 1960s nice clear dates, brought
back by soldiers ..................................................$4.95 ea.
Cuba Coins: Dates 1910-1940s before Castro take
over, scarce ..............................................................$4.95
Ancient Coins: Roman coins, small average bronze
coin, Ancient Judea 2,000 years old ......................$12.00
"Widow's Mile": Tiny Bible coin, hard-to-find.
Completely identified ..............................................$19.00
Antique French 100-year-old-plus Sword Bayonet:
With inscribed blade & dated 1870-1881 & brass
handle, no scabbard, very showy, $49.00; with scabbard,
scarce ....................................................................$75.00
Other European Bayonets: Our choice, no scab-
bards ................................................................$25.00 ea.
Bayonet Parts: Rare hard-to-find button & catch
mechanism complete for various Mauser-style rifle bayo-
nets, if your is missing, send ....................................$8.95
Old Alligator Wrench: alligator shaped jaws can
quickly grab onto nuts of varying sizes without adjustment.
Old & original about 100 years old. Many railroads used
them years ago because they could grab fast. Very hard-
to-find. Small, $9.50; Large ....................................$12.00
Antique U.S. Bronze Crossed Cannons Pin: With
regiment artillery number, nice wearable condition ..$9.50
Old Harmless Bullets: Mostly dug up; mixed, fired
long ago, safe. solid, harmless, 10 for ......................$4.95
Marbles: Large size colorful "shooters", $1.50 ea.; 5
for $4.95; also nice colorful collection of mixed average
size medium marbles, 100 for ................................$19.00
Worry Stone: Good solid quartz, nicely polished feels
good in the hand. Handling it reduces stress, tension,
helps you relax, $1.95; Small rose quartz nugget, $1.95;
Small jade nugget ....................................................$2.95.
Fool's Gold: Original natural iron pyrite that fooled
many in the old West. Looks like a good size gold nugget,
rich glossy luxurious gold color ................................$3.95
Old Skeleton Keys: Nice condition, mixed from old
locksmith basement, many are shiny & all are clean,
undamaged, some brass plated. Great for old houses, dec-
orative jewelry, pendant uses. Real keys meant for use.
Nice looking on a chain. Give to key people in your life,
interesting gift item $2.00 ea; 5 for ..........................$9.50
Old Hollow Cabinet Keys: Hollow shanks, smaller
than above for cabinets, furniture, even tiny ones for old
cased pistol sets. Mild steel can be filed to fit very hard-to-
find, $3.95; 5 mixed ................................................$18.50
Old Circus Tickets: Bailey Circus, Von Bros. Circus; 4
mixed tickets 1920-1950s. Mint condition, all 4 ........$7.95
Wood Nickels: Silver dollar size mixed, many unusu-
al & some error pieces. Very collectible & good for re-sale.
Our price, 10 to $3.95; 50 for....................................$9.95
Buying Gold Coins?? Valuable gold chart shows
actual melt value of over 50 U.S. & World gold coins for all
gold prices. Well worth its weight in gold. With $2.00 han-
dling ..........................................................................FREE
1962 35-page Illustrated Book "Gilding - The
Making of Gold Leaf" by Richard Barnes (1910-1993),
Philadelphia's last old time master bookbinder. All about
gold leaf & how it relates to books. Rare hard-to-find infor-
mation now long gone. Some copies signed by M.W.
barnes, same price. A copy of the Phila. Book Show
Award Certificate included free upon request. Worth much
more....................................................................$8.95 ea.
Antique Books - Rare Old 1800s Books: Victorian
era with clear dates in good condition, very hard-to-find. As
they come out of the old box, $9.50 ea.; some in fair con-
dition, you fix ......................................................$6.50 ea.
Each is packed with carefully selection clear concise
no-nonsense information painstakingly compiled from
experts & a lifetime of experience & research by the
Stoneman himself. All are copyrighted & fully protected
under the penalties of the copyright laws. If you want to
make copies or resell them, contact us for written permis-
sion & terms. Many of these informative leaflets can make
or save you a lot of money. It will be worth your while to
read these pages carefully.
How some coin dealers improve problem coins for
large profits. They quietly buy up ugly & problem coins at
coin shows at low prices & make them look nice because
they know how & now so can you. These leaflets compiled
from many hours with older, well-experienced coin dealers
who are making money. This can all be yours, a once-in-a-
lifetime opportunity. Do you want to know their secrets?
You absolutely cannot get this elsewhere. A lot of money is
made every day enhancing what some call "problem coins"
& making them attractive. Remember - it has to look good
to sell good. The following four leaflets are worth their
weight in gold, $2.00 ea.; all four ..............................$6.50
· How to Beautifly Old Dirty 1943 Steel Cents: At
home & make them brilliant; no melting & no heat.
Great money maker.
· How to Darken Silver & Copper Coins: That were
cleaned & are too shiny.
· How to Remove Light Scratches: From coins that
were polished, steel wooled, erased, cleansed,
rubbed too hard, nice pleasing surface.
· Are Dark Copper Coins Hard-to-Sell: Let's face it,
dark coins are hard-to-see. If they can't easily see it,
they won't buy it. Ever wonder why dark coins sit for
so long before they finally sell? How to "highlight"
these dark coins so they look nice with a dark back
ground. The best ways to speed their sale.
These coin-related leaflets: $2.00 each; all four $6.50
How To Sell Historical Collectibles: Explains every-
thing. Why they sell well even in bad economic times. The
best ways to present them to the buyer; what types of buy-
ers respond best. Hot to buy & sell with the greatest profit
margin. How to do well even in a market filled with other
dealers. How to avoid theft. Many other valuable ideas not
available elsewhere.
How to Make Arrowheads & Gunflints: Explains
everything. Where to get stone, tools, the best methods,
many little known tricks. Developed by the Stoneman him-
self who used to knap flint professionally & the pitfalls to
avoid. You, too, can make money doing this. An excellent
activity for young people.
Basement Practice With the Trapdoor Springfield:

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