Curly Hair Considerations
The cutting techniques that you have just learned can be applied to straight or curly hair. How-
ever, prior to cutting curly hair, consider how the hair will be worn naturally. Also consider that
curly hair looks longer when wet, so you will need to take into consideration the shrinkage factor
as it dries.
If the hair will be worn straight, you may wish to shampoo, air form (blow dry) and/or thermal
press the hair straight first prior to cutting. (Refer to the "Hair Styling" chapter for more infor-
mation.) By straightening the hair first, you will see how long the hair actually is and be able to
cut the hair accordingly.
If the hair will be worn naturally curly, you
may first wish to shampoo and towel dry the
hair thoroughly. Towel drying the hair thor-
oughly will allow you to observe the natural
curl formation and response of the hair while
cutting. Cutting the hair damp instead of wet
reduces the amount of stretching. Cutting
hair that is partly wet and partly dry will
create an uneven effect.
Consider the shrinkage factor while cutting
curly hair. Stretching or applying tension to
curly hair while cutting may result in shorter
lengths than anticipated. In some cases, you
may wish to use a comb (instead of your fin-
gers) to control curly hair while cutting. The
comb allows for minimal tension on the hair,
which will allow you to view how the hair will
fall naturally.