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Auburn Citizen - falltrav
19 - Kids Crafts -- 3:30-5 p.m.; The Yates County
Genealogical & Historical Society and The Oliver
House Museum; 200 Main St., Penn Yan; (315)
536-7318 or
- Gallery reception: Harvest Gold & Winter
White -- 5-7 p.m. The Gallery at Yates County
Arts Center -- 119 E. Elm St., Penn Yan; (315)
536-8226 or
12-13 - Keuka Holidays -- Hearty winter foods are
featured with award-winning red wines; holiday
decorations; ornaments an grapevine wreaths;
early sell-out tickets $45/person and $50/couple;
(800) 440-4898 or
16 - Kids Crafts -- 3:30-5 p.m.; The Yates County
Genealogical & Historical Society and The Oliver
House Museum; 200 Main St., Penn Yan; (315)
536-7318 or
18- Jan. 20 - Dollhouse and Miniatures Exhibit --
Curtiss Museum; open seven days a week through
December and Thursday through Sunday during
January through March; (607) 569-2160 or
20-21 - 13th annual Deck The Halls! -- Food,
wine, grapevine wreath, ribbons and recipes at 25
participating wineries; $65 for couples ticket, $43
for singles ticket; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; (877) 536-2717
- StarShine Christmas in the Village -- Historic
Main Street of Penn Yan transforms into a winter
festival with holiday music provided by local
school and church choirs. Hot foods and bever-
ages, horse-drawn wagon rides, face painting, pan-
cake dinner and arrival of Old St. Nick; open
houses at churches, the Historic Society and Arts
Council, along with the crowning of Miss Penn
Yan; 5-9 p.m.; (800) 868-9283 or
3-4 - 13th annual Deck The Halls! -- Food, wine,
grapevine wreath, ribbons and recipes at 25 partic-
ipating wineries; $65 for couples ticket, $43 for sin-
gles ticket; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; (877) 536-2717 or
3 - Victorian Christmas Faire -- Craft sale with 25
outside vendors; sponsored by the Presbyterian
Women; (315) 536-6658.
10 - A Touch of Christmas -- Dundee's annual
holiday celebration with music, decorations, sea-
sonal foods and a visit by Old Saint Nick; (800)
21 - Kids Crafts -- 3:30-5 p.m.; The Yates County
Genealogical & Historical Society and The Oliver
House Museum; 200 Main St., Penn Yan; (315)
536-7318 or
Go&Do Fall/Winter Guide 2005 23

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