Opportunity to discuss safety and traceability with Integrin
the Aquaculture International 2006 in Glasgow. This will be a good opportunity to
speak to Integrin's staff about seafood safety, traceability, and the total care
packages provided by Integrin.
Along with toxin testing, Integrin also provides microbiological tests for the
shellfish industry as well as ATPase and other services for the finfish industry. In
addition to the stand, Integrin will be holding an international meeting on the 18
of May at the SECC to discuss the problems of converting fish and shellfish
waste into useful products as part of the Valbiomar, Interreg project. Members
from the Valbiomar group, industry representatives, scientists and regulators will
be present at the meeting to discuss this very pertinent issue and offer advice
and comments on the valuable new products possible by utilizing seafood waste
and marine by-products.
If you are interested in attending this meeting or any other areas of Integrin's
work please contact Integrin on 01631 720765 or by email
or visit the website