The investment report that gives you the essentials to wisely invest in biotechnology securities.
Volume 5, Issue 3
May 2001
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Small Can Be Beautiful
Nanotechnology: its
application to biotechnology
When I think of nanotechnology
the first thing that comes to mind
are nanoprobes, the tiny machine-
like particles the size of blood cells
that flow in the veins of the Borg
the robot-like beings on the televi-
sion series
Star Trek: Next Genera-
tion and Voyager. In the television
series, nanoprobes function in tissue
regeneration and can transform nor-
mal cellular processes when injected
into a new host. Obviously, this is
great for science fiction, but I really
don't think that is what the Clinton
Administration had in mind when
they requested $495 million for the
fiscal year 2001 budget to establish
a nanotechnology research initiative.
The Administration believed that
nanotechnology will have profound
impact on our economy and society
during this century, perhaps compa-
rable in magnitude to that of infor-
mation technology or of genetic, cel-
lular and molecular biology.
The emerging field of nanotech-
nology is expected to contribute
broadly to medicine, including can-
cer diagnostics and treatment re-
search. The new tools-oriented ini-
tiative back concerted efforts to de-
velop new technologies for generat-
ing and interpreting data. However,
the application of nanotechnology
may not be obvious.
Applications of
What are the potential applica-
tions for nanotechnology?
Sage Report (BSR) sees four appli-
cations: early detection and treat-
ment of disease, improved implants,
drug discovery, and drug delivery.
To put nanotechnology's function
into perspective, consider the mo-
lecular building blocks of life pro-
teins, nucleic acids, lipids, and car-
bohydrates materials that possess
unique properties determined by
their size, folding, and patterns at
the nanoscale, or one-billionth of a
meter. Examining disease and creat-
ing medicines at this scale will lead
to new insights in drug discovery.
Or consider the recent use of newly
fabricated devices and systems to
transform the recent laborious proc-
ess of genome sequencing and de-
tecting the genes' expression. Fur-
ther advances in fabrication using
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BSR #52: ASCO Meeting