The investment report that gives you the essentials to wisely invest in biotechnology securities.
Volume 6, Issue 2
April 2002
The Biotech Road Map
The biotech market, which has
been singing the blues for most of this
year, finally hit a happy note. What
caused this euphoria? Imclone Sys-
tems (NASDAQ: IMCL) and Bristol-
Myers-Squibb (NYS: BMY) have made
their peace after they had a chance to
discuss their biological license applica-
tion (BLA) with the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA). Bristol-Myers-
Squibb will remain as Imclone's partner
to help develop and commercialize Er-
bitux, a drug that has potential to treat
colon, and head and neck cancer. But
it came at a price for Imclone -- a
smaller slice of the pie. Nonetheless,
it's a positive move for Imclone, which
should help get Erbitux back on track.
For the biotech sector, the renewed
alliance between Imclone and Bristol-
Myers-Squibb should help reinstill
confidence and trust in biotech inves-
tors, and be the impetus to help bring
the sector out of the doldrums.
However, having stated that, there
are other factors that may dampen in-
vestors' enthusiasm. For example, the
recent decisions by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) that were not in
favor of Sepracor (NASDAQ: SEPR)
and Biogen (NASDAQ: BGEN). Deci
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sions such as these, which may or may
not have validity, have enormous im-
pact on investor psyche and often lead
to overreaction by institutional inves-
tors, who are trying to retain their
funds value. This action leaves indi-
vidual investors hours behind and out
on a limb in the cold. Thus, when it
comes to investing in biotechnology,
you need to first make sure this is the
right sector to include in your invest-
ment strategy. For aggressive inves-
tors who are willing to weigh the re-
turns versus risk, biotechs can pay off
handsomely, but success depends
upon your investment philosophy.
Difficult decisions can be made with
some research on your part -- and
that's where we come in.
We've said it before, and we'll say
it again -- biotechnology not only has
tremendous potential to improve pa-
tient quality of life, but it also has tre-
mendous value for investors and Big
Pharma. For Big Pharma, the draw is
becoming more obvious, as depend-
ence for drugs developed and mar-
keted by Big Pharma for decades is
starting to fade. Instead, patients and
consumers are gravitating to therapeu-
tics developed by biotechs, specialty