ISES Corporation (800) 881-4737
FACILITY CONDITION ANALYSIS Software Program Description
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Project Entry and Maintenance
Create, Modify, Complete, Delete Projects and Archive Projects
Project...When this button is clicked, a dialog box, entitled "Select Building" with the OK and
Cancel buttons, appears. Once a building is selected, the OK button becomes active. If the OK
button is selected, another dialog box entitled "Select Project for Detail Information." appears with
Add, Edit, View, Delete, Library, Elevator, and Cancel buttons. The Edit, View, Delete and To
Library buttons become active once a project from the list is selected. Selecting the Edit button
allows capabilities of editing saved projects. The Add option allows entry of a "new" project.
The Project Entry dialog box has six file tabs (Information, Reference, Description, Cost, Project
History, Totals), seven or eight buttons (Means Costworks, Print, Drawing, Custom, Notes, Spell
Check, Add/Update and Cancel), and area in the upper right corner displaying the building above
the buttons.