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Eric Reenstierna Associates - house
Fact Sheet
226 Elliot Street, Newton Upper Falls
The house at 224-226 Elliot Street, Newton Upper Falls is an 1830s Cape Cod-style house with early Greek
Revival details at the entry. It was one of three buildings in a row on Elliot Street constructed by Otis
Pettee as duplexes, to house families of workers employed at the nearby mill. The house has been
converted to a single-family dwelling. It retains its original floors, doors, and most of its layout and
features. It has been extensively updated in 2004.
A second living unit is to be constructed in an attached "barn" style at the rear of the existing house. The
house and barn will form the two units of a condominium complex. Each will have its own exclusive use
of part of the site. Each will have a separate parking area, and each will have its own yard. The owner of
each is responsible for the maintenance of the part of the property (building and site) for which it has
exclusive use. The buildings are in the "connected building" New England style of the 1800s, in which a
house at the front is connected to its barn in the rear by way of a "little house" (here, the one-story ell).
New garden plantings are by Newton garden designer Beth Schroeder, making use of species in use in the
1830s in local gardens.
House Price:

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