Prix Emile Hermès
posted on : October 4, 2007 11:53 AM | posted by : DesignAddict
tags: competitions
Émile Hermès was a
discoverer of new
talent, a creative
visionary and a true
pioneer who
recognised the value
of the functionality of
objects. Hermès is
launching a
competition in his
spirit. Aimed at
young, European
designers, the Prix
Émile Hermès rewards
the creation of
innovative objects.
Contest theme: la légèreté au quotidien / everyday
· Create an object for everyday life.
· Simplify use.
· Optimise function.
· Give material a spirit.
· Innovate to make everyday life easier.
· Create intelligent and user-friendly objects.
Lightness is a "serious" issue, which, once handled properly, gives way to serenity, joy and happiness. Lightness means
balance. The perfect balance that exists when there is an equilibrium between function and aesthetic. There is nothing to
take away and nothing to add: the object is just right. Lightness means discretion, subtlety, delicacy, harmony, pertinence
and attention to detail.
The contest pertains to all countries in Europe where
has a commercial base. Each country has its own selection
committees and president:
Germany/Austria/Czech Republic: Ingo Maurer
Benelux and Denmark/Sweden: Hella Jongerius
Espagne/Portugal: Martí Guíxé
France: Marc Berthier
Ireland/United Kingdom: Ron Arad
Italy: Massimo Morozzi
Greece/Switzerland: Alfredo Häberli
The president of the final jury is Enzo Mari.
until November 30 2007.
In June 2008, the jury will choose three winners.
The DesignAddict Blog: Prix Emile Hermès