In 2001, our American Forests part-
nership will expand to embrace a new
project: Wildfire ReLeaf. This program
will allow quick response to deadly
wildfires threatening millions of
acreage across the country.
With our parent company Spiegel
and its parent Otto Versand, Eddie
Bauer also adheres to business prac-
tices that respect the environment
through recycling, energy conservation
and other measures.
Civic and Community
Affairs Manager Kevin
Martinez (wearing lei), new
store associates and city
officials gather for tree
planting and beautification
in Ala Moana Park,
Honolulu, Hawaii.
Eddie Bauer and mall
management establish
park at Flatiron Crossing
in Colorado following new
store opening.
PeaceTrees, an organization devoted to
planting trees in war torn areas, replants in
a former mine field in Viet Nam.
In partnership with Eddie Bauer, we have
expanded our environmental awareness program for
youth. Especially in urban areas, health and envi-
ronmental hazards have traditionally not been given
the focus they deserve. Yet, health and the environ-
ment have a direct correlation to successful child
development. In our environmental program, chil-
dren learn about the importance to their lives of
clean water, recycling, refuse collection and land-
scaping. Through support from corporate partners,
last year the League provided services to more than
60,000 people in the nation's capital area.
Maudine Cooper, President and CEO,
The Greater Washington Urban League