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WDET Detroit - drisfocus
Mr. Harold Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold D. Portner
Mr. Melvin E. Potter
Mr. Anthony Printz
Mr. Chester J. Przyjemski
Mr. Ross J. Pudaloff
Mary Nelson Pulice &
Nick Pulice
Mr. Benjamin J. Pumo
Mr. Frank D. Rashid
Mr. Stanley R. Remus
Dr. Nanette Lee Reynolds
Ms. Margaret Richter
Ms. Lisa Rieman, O.P.
Ms. Marian Risebrough
Rising Star Remodeling
Mr. Finn Roed
Mr. John H. Rohrbeck
Mrs. Barbara B. Roney
Ms. Robin S. Rosen
Mr. Virgil R. Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Rounding
Mr. Albert J. Sabon
Mr. David Sanderling
Herbert A. Sanders, Esq.
Ms. Cynthia Sarah
Ms. Anne M. Sarazin
Ms. Joyce E. Scafe
Samuel & Roz Schiff
Mr. Joseph Schollett
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Schram
Dr. & Mrs. Paul L. Schreibman
Ms. Janet L. Schrock
Ms. Christine Schumacher
Ms. Elaine Schuster
Mr. Daniel L. Schwartz
Mr. Richard R. Schwarze
Mr. Michael H. Scrivener
Mr. John R Sherry
Mr. Kenneth H. Shields
Dr. Norma E. Shifrin
Ms. Barbara Marie Shilts
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Shufro
Ms. Joan E. Silvi
Mrs. Joanne Skupin
Mr. Marvin J. Smalley
Ms. April J. Smith
Ms. Jeannine S. Smith
Mrs. Virginia J. Snitgen
Mr. Joel A. Snyder
Mr. Frank E. Soby/Susan Lolli
Mr. Lee P. Sorensen
Dr. Alan V. Spigelman
Dr. & Mrs. Henry H. Sprague
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Steiger
Ms. Anne R. Steinberg
Ms. Jean C. Steinhauer
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Steinhelper
Mr. & Mrs. David Stewart
Ms. Helen Stojic
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Stone
Mr. Donald B. Straith
Ms. Alicia L. Streater
Mr. Richard S. Streffon
Ms. Deborah Strong
Mr. Paul R. Sutton
Ms. Irma J. Swantner (de-
Ruth Szymanski &
James Johnson
Ms. Cheryl L. Tannas
Ms. Kirstin A. Tannas
Mr. David P. Tappert
Mr. & Mrs. Geno Tavernaro
Ms. Delores Taylor
Ms. Elaine Tell
Ms. Brenda J. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Thomas
Ms. Marion F. Thomas
Mrs. Lee Thume
Mr. Christopher R. Tranchida
Ms. Julie M. Trescott
Mrs. Francine B. Turkish
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Turse, Jr.
Mrs. Madah J. Tuttle
Mr. William M. Tylutki
Ms. Nancy K. Uffner-Elliott
Mrs. Dianne S. Umansky
University New Gratiot
Lions Club
Mr. Ralph A. Valdez
Charles & Suzanne Van Ark
Mrs. Jane M. Van Dragt
Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Van
Ms. Donica T. Thomas Varner
Mr. Orville Vore
Ms. Maida Waldner
Ms. Judith A. Ward
Ms. W. Ann Warner
Mr. Robert D. Warren
Wayne Lions Club
Thomas Weeks & Jean Wend
Ms. Carrie A. Wells
Ms. Elizabeth Lee White
Mr. James W. Willems
Mr. James S. Willoughby
Ms. Drucilla C. Wilson
Mr. Robert E. Wiltrakis
Ms. Helen M. Winslow
Ms. Rosie E. Withers
Mr. Richard H. Woltman
Ms. Deborah L. Wood
Ms. Irene L. Woodell
Mr. Roger E. Wyatt
Mr. Christopher Beck &
Ms. Theresa Zajac
Mr. & Mrs. Thad Zaremba
Mr. Kevin A. Zell
Mr. Stephen J. Zielinski
Special Gifts
In Memory Of...
John Alexander
from Janice Atwood
Jane Brevik
from Janie Zabik
Jean Calderini
from Allan Calderini
Thomas Evans
from Deborah Evans Seunagal
William Fraley
from Eleanor E.Butler
Elsye Law
from Cynthia Greenspan
Frederick Leopold III
from Sara Leopold
Nora Napolitan
from Jacquetta Napolitan
In Honor Of...
Erma Henderson
from Yvonne Hackett
Karen Leigh's Retirement
Christine Andrews
Please Note: We work hard to en-
sure that everyone is listed correctly.
If you notice an error, we ask that
you contact us promptly.

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