the service advances and listeners begin
making comments.
DRIS began broadcasting in 1978 for per-
sons who cannot see, hold or comprehend
printed material due to a disability or other
condition that affects the ability to read.
To qualify, applicants must be either regis-
tered with a library for the blind and physi-
cally handicapped or provide documenta-
tion from a healthcare professional. Once
certified, a special closed-circuit radio re-
ceiver is loaned free of charge on a first-come
basis. DRIS can now authorize online usage
by assigning a password. Current listeners
will need to request a password if they wish
to use the archive section.
DRIS depends on private donations to oper-
ate and asks listeners to make donations, but
this is not an eligibility requirement. Still
for listeners who can make even a modest
gift, DRIS is a terrific value if you consider
gaining access to more than 100 date-sensi-
tive periodicals a week! Tax benefits and
cost-effective operations make DRIS an ideal
home for charitable contributions.
We truly thank everyone who has supplied
support for Access to Information: Vision into
the Future, including all of our corporate and
foundation donors whose gifts in some way
helped us move this ambitious multi-year
project forward. We particularly thank the
Community Foundation for Southeastern
Michigan for committing $30,000 to com-
plete Phase I, while offering a challenge to
other major donors to join the project. We
now need to raise an additional $100,000
over the next few years to sustain the in-
creased programming effort.
Reading service listeners from across North
America gathered last summer in Wash-
ington D.C. to participate in audio tests
that will help determine how digital (HD)
radio reading will work as it rolls out over
the next decade. "The tests have innova-
tion in mind as well as the potential for
off-the-shelf receivers for radio reading
services," says Mike Starling, Vice President
of Engineering at National Public Radio
(NPR) and recipient of the International
Association of Audio Information Services'
2004 C. Stanley Potter Lifetime Achieve-
ment Award for his work as a board mem-
ber and radio reading advocate.
The IAAIS sets standards and helps keep
radio reading services abreast of industry
advancements through an annual confer-
ence and a lively listserve that allows in-
novative ideas from around the world to
improve daily operations in metro Detroit.
"Radio reading services have evolved tre-
mendously since the 1960s when they
were first developed," says DRIS Director
Kim Walsh, who also serves on the IAAIS
board. "And we are grateful to have on-
going dialogue with our colleagues and
listeners, and the involvement of NPR."
Innovation is a National Endeavor
Access to Information Cont'd
Annual Recognition Reception
Friday, January 14th
4:30-7:30 PM
Barth Hall, Cathedral Church of St. Paul
For reservations call Irene Woodell
(313) 577-4207
Silent Auction Items Sought