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WDET Detroit - Annual Report 2004 (Page 7)

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WDET Detroit - Annual Report 2004
Celebrating 45 years, the Greater Detroit
Agency for the Blind and Visually Im-
paired is a nonprofit agency that pro-
vides services to increase self-reliance,
productivity, and dignity for persons who
are blind or visually impaired.
GDABVI recently underwent a name and
identity change, going back to a more
historically based name and new logo,
according Jeffrey D. Evans, president of
the GDABVI Board of Directors. Both
were designed to communicate the
agency's core values of promoting inde-
pendence and education through vision
Major Gift Continued
Tributes and Memorials
In Memory Of:
Patrick Burkett
from Karen Leigh
Jean Calderini
from Allan Calderini
Harper L. Crawford
from Nancy J. Crawford
Joseph Jackson
from the Hazel Park Lions Club
Josephine James
from Maida Tuttle
Helen Kaczor
from Mary Northerner,
from Ronald & Susan Liskey
Winifred Lohr
from Richard & Jill Lohr
Mary Lolli
from Susan Lolli
Mark C. Otis
from Lucille A. Otis
Kathryn Paraventi
John & Mary Paraventi
John Schettenhelm
from Paul DeConinck
Lt. Col. David E. Walsh
from Sheila Ashcraft
from Marguerite Carlton
from Beverly Ranko
from Marilyn Ryndquist
from Kim Walsh
from the loving Walsh family
from Women in Communications
of Detroit
In Honor Of:
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Von Buskirk
On the occasion of their wedding
from Ellen S. Piligian
Lion Bob Trussler
from the Utica Lions Club
Walkers Takes A Break
Volunteers raised more than $3,000 and had a
great time at the 2005 Walk with Art Walkathon.
Shown here along the 5K route (left to right) Lion
Michael Patten, Lorraine Demchak, David Stinson,
Lion Karen & Bill Arandell and Cathy McAdam
with Ginger.

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