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WDET Detroit - Annual Report 2004
Mr. Allan Calderini
Mr. Leon Calvert
Ms. Josephine Caporale
Ms. Marguerite C. Carlton
Mrs. Irene Cavanaugh
Mr. James D. Cheney
Ms. Lucia E. Cheney
JaeKoo Chung, Ph.D.
Ms. Laura J. Cole
Mary Cole
Jan Conflitti
Mr. Michael D. Conflitti
Ms. Jane E. Cortez
Mr. George A. Coury
Ms. Judith E. Covert-Sisung
Mr. Beaufort Frank Cranford
Ms. Nancy J. Crawford
Mrs. Emily Crimmins
Ms. Joy D. Crimmins
Florence Cunningham
Ms. Christine M. D'Alleva
Mr. & Mrs. Clement D'Angela
Mr. Paul A. Deconinck
Delta Gamma Foundation,
Birmingham, MI Alumnae
Mr. Leon J. Denison
Mr. Cornelius deStigter
Ms. Mae J. Detloff
Mr. David L. Dickason
Ms. Jean A. Diekoff
Ms. Raye Dinnerstein
Betty J. Dunwoodie
Eaton Charitable Fund
Mr. David Erdody
Ms. Sally Evalt
Mr. Bobby J. Evans
Mrs. Ruth G. Favro
Ms. Janice M. Fialka
Ms. Michelle S. Fisher
Mr. John Fitzmons
Ms. Peggy Fitzpatrick
Mr. Midas Ford
Ford Motor Company Fund
Ms. Cynthia S. Frechtling
Mr. Jon J. Frederick
Yvonne M. Friday, M.D.
Friends of Community Living
Ms. Cecilia Garbacik
Mr. Thomas Garbacik
Mr. Clemente M. Garcia
Mrs. Susan E. Garcia
Ms. Katherine Gee
Mr. Franklin D. Gettleson
Mr. Stephen P. Goodfellow
Jean Goulston
Ms. Kathleen Graham
Ms. Alice Granaas
Mr. Richard W. Graves, Jr.
Mrs. Virginia W. Greene
Dorothy Haber
Ms. Mary L. Haddad
Mrs. Dora H. Hansz
Mrs. Carole Harris
Ms. Jeanette Harris
Ms. Louise I. Hartung
Mrs. Rosemary K. Hartung
Ms. Lisa M. Havlish
Hazel Park Lions Club
Ms. M. Pamela Hein
Petra Hellthaler
Mr. Otto Hess
Ms. Anita L. Hinks
Mr. James W. Hoekwater
Casmere & Josephine Hoin
Mr. James G. Holden
Mr. John T. Holtz
Mr. Norman Howard
Terry F. Howard
Ms. Janice B. Howell
Ms. Josephine Howes
Ms. Helen E. Hunt
Mr. George S. Illingworth
Mr. Stephen B. Isgrigg
Lanor A. Jablonski
Ms. Josephine James
Mr. Ross L. Johnson
J. Walter Thompson Co. Fund
Mrs. Walter J. Kaczor
Mr. Glenn D. Kaiser
Mr. Harold Kaufman
Mr. Alger Kazlauskas
Ms. Helen L. Kelley
Mr. Robert & Shirley Kelly
Ms. Virginia J. Kelly
Ms. Olive M. Bruckman
Ms. Catherine A. King
Ms Tracy Kovacs
Mr. Gregory & Cheryl Kozell
Ms. Linda Kraus
C. Kristopaits
Mr. Edward R. Kula
Mr. John P. LaFave
Ms. Frances Lamia
Barbara R. Langham
L'Anse Creuse Lions Club
Ms. Judy Larsh
Mr. James B. Latendresse
Mr. John P. Lathers
Mrs. Gail R. LeClair
Mrs. Karen G. Leigh
Mr. Maynard A. Leigh
Mr. Anthony J. Leone
Mr. Richard H. Levey
Mr. Merle Levy
Rhoda J. Lewis
Ms. Jennifer S. Lintvedt
Ms. Margaret Lintvedt
Ms. Patricia L. Lippert
Mr. Richard R. Lohr
Pamela Loomis, D.V.M.
Ms. Marguerite Lutz
Ms. Shirley R. MacDonald
Mr. Desmond M. Macker
Beulah Macksoud
Ms. Angela M. Martin
Mr. Frank F. Mathiesen
Mr. Joseph A. Maxwell
Ms. Clarita Mays
Ms. Michele A. McBride
MCBVI Northwest Chapter
Mrs. Octavia McClary
Ms. Charlotte H. McGill
Ms. Elizabeth B. McKenney
Mrs. Phyllis C. McLean
Mr. Martin D. McMillan
Ms. Lucille McRae
Mr. & Mrs. Mellis
Amanda M. Mengden
Ms. Morresa J. Meyer
Ms. Mary A. Meyers
Duane Gary Mezwa, M.D.
Joseph Mierzejewski
Ms. Annetta Miller
Mr. Robert A. Miller
Mr. Robert E. Miner
Ms. Barbara P. Mitchell

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