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WDET Detroit - Annual Report 2004
Donors Continued
Detroit Artists Market
Detroit Hispanic Lions Club
Detroit Mid City Lions Club
Detroit-North Central Lions
Ms. Lori A. Doyle
Ms. Barbara K. Duncan
Mr. Donald B. Foshey
Burke Fossee, III
Mrs. Carol L. Fossee
Nanci Wolf Freedman
Mr. Neal F. Freeling
Mrs. Dorothy P. Gee
Mr. Fredrick B. Ghofulpo
Mr. John E. Gryniewicz
Dr. Mark H. Haimann
Ms. Mary Beth Harrison
Ms. Clara S. Hayes
Mrs. Phyllis J. Heckemeyer
Mr. Jerry D. Howell
Ms. Sarah K. Hoyt
Ikon Office Solutions, Inc.
Mr. Melvin L. Janney
Ms. Lois M. Johnson
Mrs. D. V. Kabacinski
Nora M. Kachaturoff, M.D.
Mr. James J. Karagon
Mrs. Dorothy L. Kaufman
Mr. Charles Kelly
J. Eugene Kerwin
Mr. Richard Krasnodemski
Ms. Sandra Krasnodemski
Lake Orion Lions Club
Lamplighters Lions Club
Mr. E. J. Lane
Lathrup Villiage Lions Club
Magda Latif-Sterioff
Lincoln Park Lions Club
Ms. Suzanne T. Linder
Lions Club of Canton
Lions Club of Downtown
Lions Club of Grosse Pointe
Livonia High Nooners
Lions Club
Ms. Susan Lolli
Mrs. Diane Luoto
Mrs. Kathleen R. Mahoney
Mrs. Mary L. Malone
Mr. Thomas A. Mann
Carcelia J. Mathes
Ms Roberta Mc Donnell
Ms. Christine K. McNaughton
Mr. George D. Mesritz
Metro Airport Lions Charity
Michigan Citizen, Inc.
Mr. Clayton J. Morgan
Mr. Cornelius R. Mosby
Mr. Robert Moses
Joe Nagel
Mrs. Mary E. Northerner
Northville Lions Club
Northwest Detroit Lions Club
Novi Lions Club, Inc.
Katherine Emily Orloff
Mrs. Lucille A. Otis
Plymouth Lions Foundation
Mr. Benjamin J. Pumo
Ramco Gershenson, Inc
Redford Township Lions Club
W. Quenby Reno, Jr.
Ms. Marian Risebrough
Rockwood Area Lions Club
Royal Oak Lions Charities, Inc.
Mr. Frederick E. Russell
Ms. Rhea L. Russell
Mr. Herbert I. Sanders
Joyce D. Sartor
Ms. Joyce E. Scafe
Mr. Mark Schettenhelm
Ms. Jeanne E. Schott
Mrs. Cynthia S. Shaw
Mr. John R Sherry
Mrs. Martha Sholtes
Skillman Foundation
Ms. Susan M. Smith
Mr. Alan V. Spigelman
Henry H. Sprague, Jr., M.D.
Sterling Heights Lioness Club
Mrs. Jane P. Strand
Trenton Lions Club
Utica Lions Club
Mr. William E. Van Winkle
Ms. Ann M. Wegrzynowicz
Mr. Edward W. Weidenbach, Jr.
Mrs. Linda W. Wendela
Lt Colonel Richard T. White
Mr. William Wichowski
Ms. Shirley Wilson
Wyandotte Lions Club
Mr. Duane J. Young
Under $100
Ms. M. Catherine Adam
Ms. Eileen Adams
Mrs. Loretta E. Adelman
Susan H. Adelman, M.D.
Adrian Dominican Generalate
Ms. Anne H. Allan
Ms. Sonna M. Ambrozy
Mrs. Margaret Ambrozy
Mrs. Norma R. Anderberg
Ms. Christine Andrews
Ms. Sheila R. Ashcraft
Ms. Clementina Ayers
Ms. Sylvia G. Bandyke
Ms Karen Barbour
Ms. Luicle V. Barrett TTEE
Mr. Christopher E. Beck
Ms. LIly Bialick
Ms. Wilma Blair
Mr. Raymond Blaszkiewicz
Ms. Rosemary D. Blaszkiewicz
Ms. Ruth I. Blinke
Mr. Christopher Bloodworth
Ms. Carol L. Booth
Mr. David B. Booth
Robert G. Borchak, M.D.
Ms. Joyce Bowen
Mrs. D. C. Boyland
Ms. Cheryl L. Bragg
Mrs. Rose Braiker
Mr. Michael T. Brennan
Ms. Marceline Bright
Dr. Lesley Brill
Mrs. Elsie F. Brous
Ms. Barbara Bryanton
Mrs. Margaret K. Burge
Ms. Frances A. Burke
Mr. Stephen Burke
Mr. Robert Burland
Mrs. Elaine Butler
Mrs. Eleanor E. Butler
Professor Timothy W. Butler

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