Convicts who are confined there, but should the latter appear more Eligible, you will then
consider whether it is not necessary to Instruct the Senators and Representatives of the
Commonwealth to make application to Congress as soon as one is formed
Should you think it best to continue this Garrison at the Expence of
the State, I shall while I am honor'd by the people with the Office of Com[m]ander in Chief do
all within my power to render it as little burthensome to them as possible. To keep the Garrison
under the Idea of its being a Goal is not quite compatible with the honour of this Government,
from which consideration you will see the propriety of a speedy application to Congress --
I take leave here to observe that I suppose an Application made to me by your
committee in the last Session respecting the Appointment of a Captain to that Garrison was in
order to procure in that way a support for His Honor the Lieutenant Governor; nothing would be
more agreeable to my wishes than to have an adequate and honorable provision made for that
Office, but as there cannot be no necessity in a time of peace for such an appointment, his Salary
ought to arise in another form, the obvious intention of our Constituents as expressed by its T
of the Constitution
form T is, that no Sine Cures shall be granted or any Emolument derived from an office,
excepting such as are expressly annexed to it. The uniform practice of the [3] Legislature in their
Grants to the Officers of Government has held up the same Idea I am fully aware that these
principles are considered by some as trifling, but they are not so consider'd by you or by your
Constituents, they are principles well known in the Revolution of America, nor is it less my Duty
to Support them because some people consider them of no Consequence. I beg leave to
Recommend to you, Gentlemen, to make an honorable and generous provision for the Lieutenant
Governor, and feel my self fully assured that it will be quite agreeable to the people to bear the
Expense of it --
I Submit it to your Consideration whether you will instruct your Senators and
Representatives to attend to the obtaining Amendments in the Constitution of the United
States --
You will recollect that when that System was ratified by the Convention of
this Commonwealth it was done on the Idea that Amendments should be finally effected. The