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Peterson's - presidents deans
Who Is the Final Decision-Maker in Marketing Decisions for
Promoting the Graduate Programs?
Fifty-five percent of those interviewed cited deans as the final decision-
maker. Other people who had power in this situation were the president (26
percent) and the marketing director (15 percent).
It s interesting to see the differences between the deans and the presidents
when talking about their own power and influence. Thirty-nine percent of the
presidents interviewed identified themselves as the final decision-maker in the
marketing process, while only 13 percent of the deans indicated that the
presidents, including vice presidents of academic affairs, had the final
decision. Conversely, 76 percent of the deans say they are the final decision-
maker, and 35 percent of the presidents say that the deans are the final
decision-makers. However, the deans appear to have the most decision-
making power in the overall marketing process.
Final Marketing Decision Maker
(The opinion difference between the deans and the presidents)
The presidents that make the final marketing decision say that they usually
made the decisions about general outline of plan. Eighty-eighty percent of the
presidents say they make the decision on actual selection of advertising
venues, and 63 percent of the presidents say they make the decisions on
Admissions office
Marketing director

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