Students in Books 1 4 will perform in a piano concert which will also include 2 or 3 inspiring
solos played by students in Books 5 and above. Students will also take part in a special musical
activity either before or after their Concert.
Siblings of Piano students are welcome to attend as a second or third child. Siblings can
participate in one enrichment activity session and may watch a Piano concert. Piano students
who are not yet ready to perform in a concert are also welcome to register and participate in
the Enrichment Activity and attend the Piano Concerts as an audience member.
On Sunday 15 October, we are pleased to invite Tania Bosak to lead the children through one
of her innovative rhythm classes, PULSE Rhythm.
Tania teaches original compositions, polyrhythms and traditional rhythms using hands, feet,
drums and even broom sticks! A highly physical and joyous approach to understanding
rhythm, learning with the body and developing rhythmic confidence and creativity.
Tania is a percussionist, vocalist and theatre worker, and has studied African dance and
drumming in Senegal, Indian Classical Dance in India as well as various drumming styles in the
USA, Korea and Australia. Her classes were a sensation at our recent Winter Festival, and she's
got plenty more where that came from!
Times have been organised to facilitate the grouping of similar-aged children for Tania's
sessions as well as allowing some flexibility for families with more than one child attending. The
overall timetable for the day is as follows.
Please select one concert AND one enrichment class from the above table for each student
and indicate your choice for each child on the registration form.
Please note that no confirmation letter will be sent from Suzuki Music for this event.
Please ensure that each child's Suzuki Piano teacher completes the concert
information and signs your form.
Please complete the family application form and send with payment to Suzuki Music, PO Box 439 Kew
East 3102 by Friday 8 September. Please note that late applications may not be accepted and will be
subject to availability and payment of a late fee of $7.50 per family. In order to participate in this event,
you must be a financial member of Suzuki Music. A completed membership form may accompany this
Piano Concerts
Enrichment Activity
1.00 - 2.00
Piano Concert for ages 6 - 10 years
PULSE Rhythm for ages 4 - 8 years
2.15 - 3.15
Piano Concert for ages 4 - 12 years
PULSE Rhythm for ages 6 - 10 years
3.30 - 4.30
Piano Concert for ages 6 - 10 years
PULSE Rhythm for ages 8 - 12 years
4.45 - 5.30
Piano Concert for ages 8 - 12 years