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Peterson's - Law Enforcement (Page 165)

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Peterson's - Law Enforcement
25. In the relations of people to nature, the procuring of food and shelter is fundamental. With the
migration of people to various climates, ever-new adjustments to the food supply and the climate
became necessary.
The paragraph best supports the statement that the means by which people supply their material
needs are
(A) accidental.
(B) varied.
(C) limited.
(D) inadequate.
Directions: Vocabulary. For questions 26 through 30, choose the one of the four suggested answers that
means most nearly the same as the word in italics.
26. Flexible means most nearly
(A) breakable.
(C) pliable.
(B) flammable.
(D) weak.
27. Option
means most nearly
(A) use.
(C) value.
(B) choice.
(D) blame.
28. To verify means most nearly to
(A) examine.
(C) confirm.
(B) explain.
(D) guarantee.
29. Previous means most nearly
(A) abandoned.
(C) timely.
(B) former.
(D) younger.
30. Respiration means most nearly
(A) recovery.
(C) pulsation.
(B) breathing.
(D) sweating.
Directions: Each of these reasoning questions, 31 through 35, consists of two sets of symbols. Find the
one rule that explains the similarity of the symbols within each set and that also explains the difference
between the two sets. Among the five suggested answers, find the symbol that can best be substituted for
the question mark in the second set. In all these questions, you will find details that have nothing to do
with the principle of the question: to find the similarity between the symbols within a set and the difference
between the sets.

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