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Peterson's - Law Enforcement
148 L
Choose the best statement of the underlined portion.
48. Joe talked with the victim about the shoot-
ing. The victim said the weapon used was
what the police officers have been using for
years. Joe tells the sergeant that the victim
says it was probably a 35 mm.
(A) Joe then told the sergeant the victim
said the weapon was a 35mm.
(B) Joe tells to his sergeant that the weapon
in that shooting could of been a 35mm.
(C) So Joe told his sergeant that the victim
was thinking that the shooting weapon
was most likely to be a 35mm.
(D) The sentence is correct as written.
49. The suspect, who was carrying a duffel bag
at the time, was arrested. At the station
house, the arresting officer dumped the
contents of the duffel bag onto a table to
inventory the contents. Contraband was
discovered in the course of this reasonable
inventory search.
(A) In the course of searching for contra-
band, an inventory was made.
(B) The officer was discovering contraband
in the course of making a reasonable
inventory search.
(C) Contraband was the discovery that was
made in the course of the making of a
reasonable inventory search.
(D) The sentence is correct as written.
The suspect was placed under arrest for
driving while intoxicated. Over his objec-
tions, a blood sample was taken from him by
a doctor at a hospital. The blood sample
having been analyzed, the intoxicated
suspect was placed under arrest.
(A) After the blood sample will be ana-
lyzed, the suspect will be found
(B) The blood sample was analyzed, and
the suspect was found to have been
(C) The blood sample will be analyzed,
and the suspect will be intoxicated.
(D) The sentence is correct as written.

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