Peterson's FAABteachersmanual Page 4
Teacher's Manual
Page 4
Overhead 2
Some College Statistics
1. _ 70 % of full-time students receive some form of financial aid.
2. The average size of a government scholarship is $ 2,001 .
3. The Intel Science Talent Search Scholarship awards $ 100,000 to the
4. The average annual cost for tuition, fees, and room and board for private
colleges and universities is about $ 24,000 .
5. There are more than 2,000 four-year colleges and universities in the
United States and Canada.
6. 24.4 % of Americans over 25 hold a college degree.
7. 83 % of college applicants will use the Internet as a
research tool.
8. 64 % of college freshman attend college within 100 miles of home.