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Peterson's - get wise grammar intro
4 . Introduction
Get Wise! Mastering Grammar Skills
Will This Be on the Test?
Good question. YES! How can we say yes when you haven't even
told us what test? That's easy. Grammar will be tested (directly or
indirectly) on every test you might be thinking about taking. Let's
look at some of the most common tests for high school students, the
SAT and the ACT Assessment.
My teacher always says, "You shouldn't
just pay attention to the stuff that's going
to be on the test; you should absorb
every bit of knowledge you can."
The verbal section of the SAT I may seem daunting to some students,
but it doesn't have to be. The verbal section covers analogies, sen-
tence completions, and reading comprehension. Good grammatical
skills will be an invaluable tool on the verbal section--especially
reading comprehension. This book will give you the skills you need
to feel comfortable with these sections and improve your score.
ACT Assessment
Grammar may be even more important on the ACT Assessment, which
explicitly tests usage and mechanics, rhetorical skills, and reading
comprehension. Again, your grammatical knowledge will be your
friend on this test.
06/28/2002, 2:19 PM

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