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Peterson's - get wise grammar intro (Page 3)

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Peterson's - get wise grammar intro
Get Wise! Mastering Grammar Skills
Introduction . 3
Good. Now maybe you'll sit up and take notice of the fact that--
gasp!--there are things about grammar you don't know. Really. Even
after all these years, sitting in English class after English class, you
don't know everything. Some of you have spent too much time sleep-
ing through class, passing notes, and not paying attention (you know
who you are).
Well, it's time to pay attention to grammar, the oft-forgotten
subject. We know many of you may think grammar is boring, but
these are things you need to know. When you finish this book, come
back to this section. At that point, you can tell us what condition
contrary to fact is. Want us to tell you now? Tough. You'll just have
to read through the book and learn it.
Have we convinced you of the importance of good ol' boring
grammar yet? No? Keep reading.
We hope that, after reading this book, you will have achieved
two things:
The ability to recognize the different parts of speech and to
use them for good--not evil!
The ability to use your ears to discern correct and incorrect
But ya' know what? We suspect that grammar is important to
you right now (you are still reading this), due to that everlasting
student question...
06/28/2002, 2:19 PM

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