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Peterson's - awards 03
2003 CCA Awards:
Hall of Fame and
National Achievement
Dear CCA Member:
You are invited to be a part of the very important CCA Awards program which recognizes
exceptional colleges and graduates and individuals who have worked tirelessly to further the
cause of career colleges and institutes. This year, we will honor Hall of Fame and National
Achievement Award recipients.
1) CCA Hall of Fame:
The CCA Hall of Fame recognizes outstanding graduates who have achieved noteworthy success
in their career fields thanks to the education they received at a private, postsecondary career
college or institute. CCA Hall of Fame alumni include a US Congressman, a syndicated
cartoonist and a leading research scientist.
2) National Achievement:
The National Achievement Awards recognize the best of the best. Member institutions will be
nationally recognized for the best Community Service Program and will honor the Teacher of the
Year. In addition, we will present awards for Outstanding Allied Member and Outstanding State
Complete information and nomination forms for the 2003 Awards are enclosed. Please take a
moment to review this information and submit your nominations today for all three of these
programs. The deadline for the Hall of Fame and National Achievement Awards nominations is
April 7.

Sabrina Kay
CCA Awards Committee Chairman

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