Students in Books 1 4 will perform in a piano concert which will also include 2 or 3 inspiring
solos played by students in Books 5 and above. Students will also take part in a special activity
either before or after their Concert.
Siblings of Piano students are welcome to attend as a second or third child. Siblings can
participate in one enrichment activity session and may watch a Piano concert. Piano students
who are not yet ready to perform in a concert are also welcome to register and participate in
the Enrichment Activity and attend the Piano Concerts as an audience member.
On Sunday 16 September, we are pleased to invite Alex Pinder to lead the children through
one of his fantastic Physical Comedy workshops.
Alex Pinder, actor, director, and acting teacher has worked in India where he ran workshops in
art and drama for World Vision and in England where he performed with Theatre Sans
Frontiere. In Australia he has taught at a number of tertiary institutions and drama schools
including The Victorian College of the Arts, The Centre of Adult Education National Theatre
Drama School, and The National Institute of Circus Arts.
Alex's classes facilitate explorations in specific, imaginative play. This occurs through games of
increasing complexity, until the participants are themselves creating games within games.
Alex creates and allows an environment and interactions where participants are able to
explore and develop their most individual creativity.
Times have been organised to facilitate the grouping of similar-aged children for Alex's
sessions as well as allowing some flexibility for families with more than one child attending. The
overall timetable for the day is as follows.
Please select one consecutive age appropriate concert AND enrichment class from the
above table for each student and indicate your choice for each child on the registration form.
Please note that no confirmation letter will be sent from Suzuki Music for this event.
Please ensure that each child's Suzuki Piano teacher completes the concert
information and signs your form.
Please complete the family application form and send with payment to Suzuki Music, PO Box 439 Kew
East 3102 by Friday 10 August. Please note that late applications may not be accepted and will be
subject to availability and payment of a late fee of $7.50 per family. In order to participate in this event,
you must be a 2007 financial member of Suzuki Music. A completed membership form may accompany
this application.
Piano Concerts
Enrichment Activity
1.00 - 2.00
Piano Concert for ages 8 - 12 years
Physical Comedy for ages 6 - 10 years
2.15 - 3.15
Piano Concert for ages 4 - 10 years
Physical Comedy for ages 8 - 12 years
3.30 - 4.30
Piano Concert for ages 8 - 12 years
Physical Comedy for ages 4 - 8 years
4.45 - 5.30
Piano Concert for ages 4 - 8 years