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health product as an integral part of responsible animal husbandry is also nec-
essary in order to stop the spread of coccidiosis and keep the infection under
control. The need for using an anticoccidial is demonstrated by weight gains, a
visibly improved health status and the resulting financial benefits.
New dietary supplement for calf scours
, a dietary supplement for scours in calves recently launched by
Bayer Vital in germany, is a new product for oral rehydration therapy for easy
and convenient administration to sick calves with the milk. It is packed in in-
dividual doses as a liquid solution in break-resistant 50 ml ampoules. Just add
one Glutellac ampoule to the milk bucket twice daily. There is no need to
change the usual feeding regime and the extra work involved is minimal.
replaces fluid, replenishes lost electrolytes, compensates
metabolic acidosis and supplies vital energy. The rapid and focused
correction of life-threatening acidosis is of paramount importance. The
composition of Glutellac
conforms to current recommendations. The
buffer substance acetate, unlike other buffers, does not prevent the
casein in the milk from precipitating in the calf's abomasum. This
means the supplement does not interfere with the digestion of milk,
which is of great benefit to the calves' health and promotes regenera-
tion of the gut epithelium.
Leverkusen November 11, 2004
Dr. Hermann-Josef Baaken, Tel. (0214) 30 533 66
E-mail: hermann-josef.baaken@bayerhealthcare.com
Forward-Looking Statements
This news release contains forward-looking statements based on current assumptions and forecasts
made by Bayer Group management. Various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other fac-
tors could lead to material differences between the actual future results, financial situation, develop-
ment or performance of the company and the estimates given here. These factors include those dis-
cussed in our public reports filed with the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and with the U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission (including our Form 20-F).The company assumes no liability whatsoever to
update these forward-looking statements or to conform them to future events or developmen-ts.