International Congress on Archives 2004 pres 33 BASTIAN YAKEL SAE 01(2) Page 21
Bastian / Yakel (15 July 2004) ICA Vienna 20
Figure 7: Twelve Archival Programs with >30 Common Pairs of Readings
Figure 7 also demonstrates that core archival knowledge is not shared by all programs. In
this diagram with 30 or more common citation pairs, only 12 schools remain, or less than half
of those represented in the introductory syllabi.
Archival programs in the United States and Canada have developed around a standard
set of courses and base knowledge which is conveyed through courses, topics within courses
and core literature. We found that core knowledge was generally more developed in schools
of library and information than in history departments but that the wide number and topical
range of courses, while demonstrating huge evolutionary development also showed a lack of