MHz Networks Social Studies Page 4
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Activity 1:
Take the class on a field trip to look at the community. If this is not practical, assign a few
students to tour the community and report back to the class. The students should look for
evidence of new immigrants, such as shops and other businesses; signs in other languages;
churches and other religious organizations; newspapers and publications in languages other
than English.
Activity 2:
Divide the students into groups to interview a few of the community's new immigrants. In
addition to writing the responses, the students might also tape record the interview or even
videotape it, if the interviewee agrees to that. Suggested questions to ask:
Why did you leave your native country? Was it difficult to leave? How did you choose a place to
settle? What problems did you encounter at first? Has life in the United States met your
NOTE: You may choose to focus this activity on the "new faces" in the school instead.
Social Studies