The North TIER Professional Development Grant provides funding for grantees to develop and implement quality professional
development offered in person and/or through electronic means that will increase the effectiveness of technology integration in
classroom instruction.
Due Date for Proposals:
Submit any time up to July 31, 2007 (Submit proposal electronically and
signed cover sheet should be faxed or mailed on or before July 31st)
Additional Information:
Funds Available:
Up to $3000 per award
Instructional personnel employed by a North TIER Consortium school
division member
Contact Person(s):
North TIER representative from you local school district
Award Date:
August 31, 2007
Financial Report:
January 31, 2008
Final Evaluation Report:
January 31, 2008 (All evaluation reports must be submitted electronically.)
The proposal should be clear and concise. Limit the proposal to no more than two pages (not including the cover page). Please
use at least a 12 point font.
The Cover Page Form must be attached to the proposal and must have principal's signature.
Section 1: Overview of Program--Describe the following:
· How this professional development opportunity will support teacher(s) as they design and implement lesson(s) that
integrates technology in interesting and effective ways.
· How the professional development will be linked to student achievement
· Need or rationale for selecting the technology tools and the instructional strategies
· The number of staff and content area to be served
· How the activities will be consistent with the objectives.
· What and how the activities will be accomplished.
· Time Line - a calendar of events. Exact dates when events or milestones will occur.
Section 2: Goals & Objectives
Describe the goals and objectives of your professional development program. How will the professional development result in
technology integration? The objectives should be measurable. Be sure your evaluation plan refers back to this section. When you
write your goals and objectives, think about how they will be evaluated.
Section 3: The Professional Development Strategies
What are the activities and how will they be accomplished? Briefly, describe how these activities reflect one or more of the
National Staff Development Council (NSDC) Standards for Professional Development.
Section 4: Technology Tools
Describe the technology tools that will be utilized. How will the use of the technology allow teachers to design instructional tasks
that might not be possible (or probable or as effective) without the technology?
Section 5: Evaluation
Describe how the objectives are being evaluated. What evidence (including evidence of student learning) will you provide? What
opportunities will teachers have to reflect on their practice?
Section 6: Timeline
Determine milestone dates. Create a timeline showing the completion of each part of the professional development program.
Please note that the evaluation and financial reports are due to your North TIER representative by January 31, 2008. If activities
extend into the spring semester, an extension can be granted for the evaluation report to no later than June 1, 2008.
However, the financial report must be completed by January 31, 2008.