North TIER Professional Development Grants May 2007
Making Music with SOLs: Educating the MP3 Generation in the 21st Century
Teachers, ITRTs, and musicians will learn how to harness podcasting and recording
techniques to maximize visual and auditory senses to enhance learning in the classroom.
Brain research and technology work together to inform us about our bodies and brains.
Educators in Spotsylvania County schools will put this knowledge in perspective with
what we already know about culture, rhythm, pattern, and multiple intelligences in an
effort to design a learning strategy for ALL types of students. They will investigate the
role of music, memory, and MP3s in creating songs and sounds to assist all learners
(special emphasis on AYP subgroups) with mastering of the SOL curriculum. Sessions
include face to face, book reading/online discussion, implementing a project based lesson
with students and, participation in creating an online repository of audio files to be shared
with the NTIER listening audience. The grant will be measured by using a mix methods
Kristen Amos
Freedom Middle School
Spotsylvania County Schools
SMART Development: Building Interactive Lessons
A group of 11 content area teachers will work with the Assistant Principal and the
Technology Resource Teacher to develop lessons that integrate technology with an
emphasis on SMART Board lessons. The lessons will be shared with all content area
teachers to be implemented during each of the quarters during the year. Each lesson will
be a sound use of technology and follow curriculum and the scope and sequence for the
course. This will help us spread the use of technology by supporting teacher's use with
the already developed lessons. We believe this will be a step that takes us to a higher
level of integration of all of our technology assets.
Wendi Cachuela and Bridget Beichler
Smarts Mill Middle School
Loudoun County Public Schools
Unlocking the Treasures of Online Databases
When teachers and students think about research, they immediately think of an open
search over the Internet, using a search engine such as Google. This workshop is
designed to form a partnership between teachers, instructional technology coordinators
and librarians to learn a new way of searching.
Charlie Makela
Arlington Public Schools
Arlington Public Schools