North TIER Professional Development Grant Awards
January 2006
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Teachers have a wealth of available technology but little time to learn how to use it
effectively with students. This grant will pay for substitutes to give teachers time to learn
instructional technology, plan lessons that teach students to use the tools, and collaborate
to identify curricular areas where these tools will extend student learning. Teachers will
receive flash drives, instructional materials, and stipends for their participation. School-
based specialists will train the teachers to use digital pictures in Powepoint presentations
and work with them to develop lessons to teach these skills to students. Because science
and math Standards of Learning test scores indicate a need for improvement, teachers
will target these areas. Digital cameras will be used in school and at home so students can
make connections between concepts learned at school and "real life." As students plan,
organize, and evaluate their presentations, they will develop critical and analytical
thinking skills.
Pat Brown, Paul George, Nancy Silcox
Samuel W. Tucker Elementary School
Alexandria City Public Schools
AlphaSmarts Off the Cart, Writing Scores off the Chart
This professional development plan will help teachers motivate reluctant writers and
further inspire enthusiastic ones by integrating AlphaSmarts into their writing instruction.
Teachers will learn to use the AlphaHub to create meaningful writing activities. They will
be given time to collaborate and brainstorm lesson ideas and teaching strategies with the
support of the school's TRT. The Virginia Standards of Learning Tests evaluate writing
proficiency. Students are expected to be fluent, critical writers by the time they take the
SOLs in fifth grade. This professional development activity will give teachers the tools to
improve their instruction and motivate students. In order to inspire teachers to volunteer
for this AlphaSmart training, grant funds will be used to give participating teachers a
stipend for their time and effort. Activities will consist of instructional meetings, TRT
mentoring/modeling, and gathering for discussion and brainstorming.
Jane Simonpietri,
Kate Waller Barrett Elementary School
Stafford County Public Schools
Get Fired Up! Technology and Differentiated Instruction - A Perfect Match
This professional development opportunity will support teachers as they design and
implement lessons integrating technology by helping teachers learn and practice new
strategies, develop curriculum materials, collaborate, reflect, and support student
achievement. Teachers will learn and apply strategies from Tomlinson's How to
Differentiate Instruction in the Mixed Ability Classroom, while integrating technology
tools. Teachers will develop tiered activities, learning centers, and leveled task cards.
Teachers will also develop plans for utilizing digital cameras to support performance