Suzuki Music Annual
2006 9
restructured Graduation levels will be
introduced in Victoria in 2008. The
Executive has prepared a suggested Dress
Code for piano students playing in Suzuki
events. Multiple copies of this were
commencement of 2007 so that all families
would receive a copy. The Piano Executive
is also looking at ways to create a more
cohesive community spirit amongst all
piano teachers. The first special event was
held in December 2006 which was an
informal dinner/meeting for teachers to
hear the latest "Piano news" and contribute
ideas and discussion. This was a very
successful evening and there will be two
such evenings held in 2007.
Fundraising efforts have included a Play-a-
thon to raise money for Very Special Kids
and Suzuki Music.
Unfortunately, the
for this was disappointing
compared with previous years and the
Piano Committee is looking at ways of
restructuring the Play-a-thon in 2007. A
substantial raffle was held with the winners
drawn at the Grand Annual Concert, 2006.
A total of $5,060.16c was raised and very
special thanks go to members of the Piano
Committee who sourced an array of
excellent prizes, in particular Julia Kaplan
who organised the three major prizes.
Thank you to everyone who supported the
Thank you to all teachers who convened or
helped at events during the year. Without
their help, none of the above would be
possible. Thank you to all members of the
Piano Committee for their enthusiasm and
tireless efforts. We specially thank Fiona
Dodds, Denise Pratt and Fiona Silby who are
retiring from the Committee this year. Fiona
Dodds has served for many years on the
Piano Committee both as a member and
Convenor, and has always given
generously of her time and ideas. She will
continue to help the Committee informally
during 2007. Thank you Fiona.
Margaret Bland and Angela Mosca
Prenatal and Baby Music
Suzuki ECE continues to grow strongly in
Victoria and around Australia.
Three more teachers have gained their
accreditation in the past twelve months
Penny Adeney, Ruth Cooper and Natalie
In 2006, a successful Suzuki Baby Music
program was offered at Winter Festival for
the sixth consecutive year.
In January, we held the first ECE Family
Teddy Bear's Picnic at CERES Environmental
Farm, and launched a new membership
category and quarterly newsletter for ECE
families, called Jiggety Jog.
In mid-September a week of training for
new Suzuki ECE teachers was held in Mel-
bourne, with teachers visiting from SA, NSW
and Qld as well as country Victoria.
In the first week of October, a week of
training for existing Suzuki ECE teachers was
held, with teachers visiting from NSW and
WA. During this week, we put together a
`vision statement' to be presented to the
Board of the International Suzuki
Association, meeting in Australia later in
that month. (The document was indeed
presented, each member of the board
receiving a copy, and was enthusiastically
Our vision statement expressed our wish to
honour Dr Suzuki's vision for educating the
world's children from the earliest possible
age, and acknowledging the role of Suzuki
ECE in the education of those children of
the world who will never have the
opportunity to learn a musical instrument.
Through instilling strong foundations for
ability development and empowering
parents, Suzuki ECE programs can
contribute to `growing' a generation of
children with beautiful hearts and noble
minds, destined to contribute to the world in
a meaningful and peaceful way.
Lucy Adeney-Tasker