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Biosis - bp brochure
Sample Records Previews
Concept Codes
Enzymes/General and Comparative Studies; Coenzymes [10802]
Biochemical Studies/General [10060]
Biochemical Studies/Lipids [10066]
Metabolism/General Metabolism; Metabolic Pathways [13002]
Digestive System/Physiology and Biochemistry [14004]
Urinary System and External Secretions/Physiology and Biochemistry [15504]
Respiratory System/Physiology and Biochemistry [16004]
Plant Physiology, Biochemistry and Biophysics/Respiration, Fermentation [51508]
Plant Physiology, Biochemistry and Biophysics/Enzymes [51518]
Plant Physiology, Biochemistry and Biophysics/Metabolism [51519]
Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Botany [54000]
Biosystematic Codes
Acanthaceae [25505]
Muridae [86375]
Super Taxa:
Acanthaceae: Dicotyledones, Angiospermae, Spermatophyta,
Plantae; Muridae: Rodentia, Mammalia, Vertebrata, Chordata,
Taxa Notes: Angiosperms; Animals; Chordates; Dicots; Mammals;
Nonhuman Mammals; Nonhuman Vertebrates; Plants; Rodents;
s; Vascular Plants; Vertebrates.
Miscellaneous Descriptors:
herbal medicine.
Update Code:
200106. BIOSIS Update: 20010122.
Accession Number:
Summary Language:
Author/Editor/Inventor: Singh Rana Pratap. Padmavathi Bandhuvula. Rao Araga Ramesha [a].
Institution: [a] Cancer Biology Laboratory, School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi,
110067 India.
Country: India.
Title: Modulatory influence of Adhatoda vesica (Justicia adhatoda) leaf extract on the enzymes of xenobiotic
metabolism, antioxidant status and lipid peroxidation in mice.
Source: Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. [print] 213(1-2). October, 2000. 99-109.
Year of Publication: 2000
Publication Type: Article.
ISSN: 0300-8177
Abstract: The effect of two different doses (50 and 100 mg/kg body wt/day for 14 days) of 80% ethanolic extract
of the leaves of Adhatoda vesica were examined on drug metabolizing phase I and phase II enzymes, antioxidant
enzymes, glutathione content, lactate dehydrogenase and lipid peroxidation in the liver of 8 weeks old Swiss
albino mice. The modulatory effect of the extract was also examined on extra-hepatic organs viz. lung, kidney
and forestomach for the activities of glutathione S-transferase, DT-diaphorase, superoxide dismutase and catalase.
Significant increase in the activities of acid soluble sulfhydry(-SH) content, cytochrome P450,
NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase, cytochrome b5, NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase, glutathione S-transferase
(GST), DT-diaphorase (DTD), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and
glutathione reductase (GR) were observed in the liver at both dose levels of treatments. Adhatoda vesica acted
as bifunctional inducer since it induced both phase I and phase II enzyme systems. Both the treated groups
showed significant decrease in malondialdehyde (MDA) formation in liver, suggesting its role in protection
against prooxidant induced membrane damage. . .
Organisms: Adhatoda vesica (Acanthaceae); mouse (Muridae).
Parts, Structures & Systems of Organisms: forestomach: digestive system; kidney: excretory system; leaf;
liver: digestive system; lung: respiratory system.
Chemicals & Biochemicals: Adhatoda vesica leaf extract: chemopreventive agent; DT-diaphorase: antioxidant; catalase:
antioxidant; compound: metabolism, xenobiotic; cytochrome; glutathione S-transferase: antioxidant; glutathione
peroxidase; glutathione reductase; lipid: peroxidation; malondialdehyde; superoxide dismutase: antioxidant.
Registry Numbers: 9032-20-6: DT-DIAPHORASE; 9001-05-2: CATALASE; 50812-37-8: GLUTATHIONE S-TRANSFERASE;
Gene Name: mouse superoxide dismutase gene DDiseases:
Methods & Equipment: supercritical carbon dioxide extraction: extraction method.
Institutions & Organizations: Banyan Ayurvedic Botanicals: company/organization.
Diseases: Prooxidant-induced hepatic membrane damage: digestive system disease, toxicity, prevention.
Major Concepts: Enzymology (Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics). Metabolism. Pharmacognosy (Pharmacology).
Here, taxonomic information is added to the
organism names in the document, allowing you
to expand your search to these broader levels.
In other instances, you'll find additional information
indicating how the organism is being studied,
which you can use to search more effectively:
e.g. Organisms:
human (Hominidae): female,
patient; cattle (Bovidae): commercial species
Chemicals and Biochemicals
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you can specify such things as
drug affiliations, toxicity and
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search criteria. This method of
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BIOSIS databases.
Registry Numbers
registry numbers for chemicals
facilitates cross-database searching.
Structured Indexing
In addition to the fields above, BIOSIS' structured
indexing includes categories that don't appear in
other databases, such as methods, diseases, and
companies. This level of detail makes it much
easier to retrieve the information you need.
These records have been amended to better illustrate the unique,
detailed indexing applied to the BIOSIS Previews database.
Author/Editor/Inventor: Ilmen Marja [a]. Soderlund Hans. Penttila Merja.
Institution: [a] Helsinki Finland.
Country: Finland.
Title: Process for modifying glucose repression.
Source: Official Gazette of the United States Patent & Trademark Office Patents. [ e-file] 1253(1). Dec. 4, 2001.
No Pagination
Year of Publication: 2001
Publication Type: Patent.
ISSN: 0098-1133
Patent Number: US 6326477
Date Granted: December 04, 2001
Patent Class: 536-231
Patent Country: USA
Patent Assignee: Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus, Espoo, Finland.
Languages: English.
Abstract: The present invention relates to recombinant-DNA-technology, and particularly to genes involved in the control
of basic metabolic processes in fungi. The invention specifically provides a mutated form of the native glucose repressor
gene cre of filamentous fungi, wherein the mutation is situated in the C-terminal domain, the N-terminal first zinc finger
being intact and the C-terminal region including the second zinc finger being mutated so that the viability of a strain
carrying said mutated gene is maintained and the glucose repression is relieved.
Major Concepts: Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics. Metabolism.
Chemicals & Biochemicals: glucose: repression.
Registry Numbers: 50-99-7Q: GLUCOSE; 58367-01-4Q: GLUCOSE.
Miscellaneous Descriptors: metabolic processing; recombinant-DNA-technology.
Sample Record
to come
Author/Editor/Inventor: Basseres Daniela S [a]. Tizzei Edna R V [a]. Costa Fernando F [a]. Saad Sara T O [a].
Institution: [a] Hematology and Hemotherapy Center, State University of Campinas, Campinas, SP Brazil.
Country: Brazil.
Title: Identification of a new human gene that codes for a potential cytoskeletal protein belonging to a new sudfamily of
Rho-GAP proteins.
Source: Blood. [ print] 98(11 Part 1). November 16, 2001. 11a-12a.
Year of Publication: 2001
Publication Type: Meeting.
ISSN: 0006-4971
Meeting Information: 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, Part 1, Orlando, Florida, USA,
December 07-11, 2001
Languages: English.
Abstract: Until recently, cytoskeletal proteins were thought to provide solely a mechanical support to the cell plasma
membrane. Recent studies have revealed, however, that cytoskeletal proteins are involved in the regulation of major
cell functions, such as cell signalling, protein trafficking, formation of specialized membrane domains, activity modulation
of ion channels, membrane pumps and receptors, control of cell proliferation and transcription activity, among others.
Therefore, identification of new human cytoskeletal proteins is crucial for improved understanding of cell function,
since they are major players in signal transduction pathways. Searching the ORESTES database, we found the
expressed sequence tag (EST) PM3-LT0032-231299-001-h11 that demonstrated similarity to the pleckstrin homology
(PH) domain of the cytoskeletal protein beta-spectrin...
Major Concepts: Molecular Genetics (Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics).
Super Taxa: Hominidae: Primates, Mammalia, Vertebrata, Chordata, Animalia.
Organisms: human (Hominidae): patient.
Taxa Notes: Animals; Chordates; Humans; Mammals; Primates; Vertebrates.
Parts, Structures & Systems of Organisms: bone marrow: blood and lymphatics, immune system; brain: nervous system;
chromosome 10; hematopoietic stem cell: blood and lymphatics; muscle: muscular system; peripheral blood
leukocyte: blood and lymphatics, immune system; submembrane region; tonsil: blood and lymphatics, dental and
oral system, immune system.
Diseases: leukemia: blood and lymphatic disease, neoplastic disease.
Chemicals & Biochemicals: GTPase: expression, regulation, signalling; KIAA1424; Rho-GAP protein; actin; beta-spectrin;
cDNA [complementary DNA]; cytoskeletal protein; erythropoietin; expressed sequence tag; mRNA [messenger
RNA]: expression; pleckstrin homology domain
Gene Name: human KIAA1424 gene (Hominidae): expression.
Registry Numbers: 9059-32-9: GTPASE; 132579-20-5: ACTIN; 11096-26-7: ERYTHROPOIETIN.
Miscellaneous Descriptors: cytoskeletal organization; erythroid differentiation; Meeting Abstract; Meeting Poster.
Alternate Indexing: Leukemia (MeSH).
BIOSIS Previews
is the only BIOSIS
database that includes full abstracts for
meeting citations. More information means
better retrieval on your searches.
Additional information for each
patent allows you to include details
such as patent date and assignee in
your search criteria.
Same in-depth indexing
as in journal records.
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