Biosis BIOSIS Previews workbook Page 82
BIOSIS Previews
Search Principles
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Pose the question: formulate a simple statement summarizing the search question.
Identify the main topics: pick out the words/phrases central to the search.
Determine how to search the main topics:
Try to locate a controlled term for each search topic using the online controlled
vocabulary list (Authority File) or BIOSIS Search Guide (see Appendix 1).
If an appropriate controlled term is located, use this in the search. Also consider
any narrower terms to focus the search or broader terms to expand the scope of
the search.
If a controlled term is not found, use free text (including synonyms and variants
Review the search results and modify the search if necessary.
Consider eliminating irrelevancy by limiting the search to a particular fieldTurkey
the country, Turkey the bird, or by linking terms. Broaden the search by using a
controlled term, perhaps a Major Concept, rather than a free-text term; select a
broader term in the Authority File hierarchy.
Include synonyms and spelling variants to increase retrieval.