T h e Z o o l o g i c a l R e c o r d S e a r c h G u i d e
IOSIS has created the
Zoological Record Search Guide, an essential tool for
developing search strategies for the
Zoological Record database. Due to the same
indexing, it can help make your searches on
ZR on CD comprehensive and relevant,
and will assist you in choosing appropriate synonyms.
Zoological Record Search Guide is divided into sections providing a variety
of aids for search strategy development. Sections relevant to the compact disc
product include:
Editorial Policies
A description of the scope and content of the
ZR on CD
database including descriptions of data elements and editorial practices.
Search System Information
A list of search systems offering
Zoological Record
Online and ZR on CD and charts with system-specific capabilities, including one for ZR
on CD on Silverplatter.
Master Index
A list of controlled and noncontrolled terms with references to
Thesaurus pages. Use this section first to determine how to search your topics.
Subject Thesaurus
A hierarchically arranged list of subject, geographical and
paleontological terms used in the thesaurus, including history notes.
Systematic Thesaurus
A taxonomically arranged list of controlled terms used to
index organisms.
Searching Fundamentals
A section explaining search strategy development
through the use of complete search examples and tips.
T h e Z o o l o g i c a l R e c o r d
S e a r c h G u i d e
The Zoological Record
Search Guide can help
make your searches
comprehensive and relevant.