U n d e r s t a n d i n g S u b j e c t I n d e x i n g
TI: Im Mecklenburg-Vrpommerschen kustengebiet:schadlingsbefall nach
ACARI-; AVIAN-HOSTS; Columbia livia
domestica; Epidemiology; HUMAN-HOSTS; Transmission by Aves;
TRANSMISSION-; Role of avian host; URBAN-HABITAT; Transmission
to man by Aves; GERMANY-; Mecklenburg-Pomerania; Avian host
role in transmission to man
Columbia livia domestica; ASSOCIATIONS-; Insecta; Associate
ARACHNID-PARASITES; Acari; Parasite epidemiology;
URBAN-HABITAT; Arthropod parasites & associates epidemiology;
GERMANY-; Mecklenburg-Pomerania; Arthropod; Arthropod
associates & parasites epidemiology
Subject Thesaurus
The Subject Thesaurus is a collection of controlled terms used to index subject concepts
ZR on CD including geographical and paleontological terms.
For geographical terms, there are two hierarchies. Controlled terms representing zoo-
geographical regions, countries, states, oceanic islands or similar political designations
and inland freshwater systems spanning more than one country are included in the
Land and Freshwater Zones hierarchy. The Marine Zones hierarchy includes oceans and
seas and is used to index all marine localities.
Paleontological terms are included in a single hierarchy, representing the following
main geologic time periods: Caenozoic, Mesozoic, Palaeozoic and Precambrian. The
paleontological hierarchy is presented in reverse chronological order (from the most
recent to the most ancient).
Systematic Thesaurus
The Systematic Thesaurus is a collection of controlled taxonomic terms used to index
animal names. The most recent hierarchies of these terms are displayed in the System-
atics (SY) field.
Super Taxa
Common terms representing broad groups of organisms. For example, searching
The Subject Thesaurus
provides easy access to
controlled vocabulary
in all subject areas.
Super Taxa can be used to
search broad groups of