I n d i v i d u a l F i e l d D e s c r i p t i o n s
Record Identification Information: Long Record,
Journal Announcement, Accession Number, Update Code
JA: Zoological-Record-Volume-130, Section-18-Aves
AN: 13002009455
UD: 13002
limit field
Used to indicate records of 3,000 characters or longer. When you see the Long Record on the
first screen of the display, you may want to select fewer fields to download, print, or display.
Search Examples:
long record in lr
lr=long record
Contains the three-digit volume number and the section title(s) in
which the record appears in the printed
the section numbers.
Search Examples:
section-18-aves in ja
limit field
Unique 11-digit number which identifies the document. The first three digits corre-
spond to the
ZR volume number; the next two digits indicate the quarter the citation
was added to
ZR (01-04); and the final six digits are a sequential number assigned to the
records starting with number 1 for each volume.
Note: The two digits representing the quarter appear only in records from the current
year. For the backfile, these two digits are 00.
Search Examples:
13002009455 in an
limit field
Contains a unique five-digit number which is used to identify the database updates. The
first three digits represent the volume number of the printed
ZR, the last two digits indi-
cate the quarter in which the record was added to the database. For the retrospective discs,
the Update Code consists of the three-digit volume number followed by two zeros (00). Use
in operator or use one of the following limit field operators to search this field:
less than
greater than
less than or equal to
greater than or equal to
equal to
(hyphen) indicates a range (use with =)
Search Examples:
13002 in ud
J A J o u r n a l A n n o u n c e m e n t
L R L o n g R e c o r d
A N A c c e s s i o n N u m b e r
U D U p d a t e C o d e