T h e B I O S I S S e a r c h G u i d e
IOSIS has created the BIOSIS Search Guide, an essential tool for developing
search strategies for BA on CD or BA/RRM on CD. Comprehensive and relevant, it will
assist you in choosing appropriate synonyms.
The BIOSIS Search Guide is divided into sections providing a variety
of aids for search strategy development. Sections relevant to the compact disc
products include:
Editorial Policies -
A description of the scope and content of the databases includ-
ing descriptions of data elements and editorial practices.
Master Index -
A list of over 16,500 controlled and noncontrolled vocabulary
terms with references to Concept Codes and Biosystematic Codes. Use this section first
to determine how to search your topics.
Controlled Keywords -
A list of the controlled keywords, including drug affilia-
tions, drug actions, chemical affiliations, molecular sequence data and bibliographic de-
scriptors, along with definitions and history notes.
Concept Codes and Scope Notes -
A numerically arranged listing of the
571 Concept Codes available for indexing broad subject areas with descriptions of the
coverage and application for each Concept Code, including examples.
Biosystematic Codes -
A numeric directory with a taxonomic listing of the more
than 700 Biosystematic Codes used to index organisms.
Searching Fundamentals -
A section explaining search strategy development
through the use of complete search examples and tips.
T h e B I O S I S
S e a r c h G u i d e
T h e BIOSIS Search Guide
can help make your searches
comprehensive and
r e l e v a n t .
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