U n d e r s t a n d i n g S u b j e c t I n d e x i n g
nformation in BA on CD and BA/RRM on CD is indexed in several ways to enhance
the speed and precision of retrieval. This section describes the use of the following
subject fields with their corresponding indexing:
D e s c r i p t o r s
Concept Codes
Biosystematic Codes
Super Taxa
The subject indexing applied by BIOSIS allows comprehensive access to references
of interest.
Descriptors are words added to enhance or clarify the Title. These words are controlled
or noncontrolled terms drawn from the abstract or full text of the document. The
indexers may add relevant terms, in addition to those mentioned by the author.
Controlled terms are added to records when the corresponding topics are discussed,
whether or not the author explicitly uses the terms in the original document. Search
the Title (TI) and Descriptors (DE) fields for complete retrieval of controlled terms.
Natural-language or noncontrolled terms are word(s) appearing in a variety of forms
in the Descriptors (DE) field. Allow for synonyms, plurals, variant endings, suffixes, etc.
when designing a search strategy using noncontrolled terms. The use of natural-
language terms allows for specific access, using terms as the authors use them and
current or new terminology. Search the Title (TI), Descriptors (DE) and Abstract (AB)
fields for complete retrieval.
Concept Codes
There are 571 five-digit Concept Codes representing broad subject areas in the life
sciences. They are assigned whenever a particular subject is discussed in a document.
Using Concept Codes for broad access eliminates the need for long lists of synonyms
in your search strategy. BA on CD and BA/RRM on CD records may have two
levels of Concept Codes, both of which are displayed with the abbreviation CC.
The Major Concept Codes field (MJCC) represents subjects of main emphasis in the
document, while the Minor Concept Codes field (MNCC) represents other topics
that are mentioned.
U n d e r s t a n d i n g
S u b j e c t I n d e x i n g
Descriptors are words
added to enhance or clarify
the Title.
v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v
Information in BA on CD
and BA/RRM on CD is
indexed in several ways to
enhance the speed and
precision ot retrieval.
v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v
Using Concept Codes
for broad access eliminates
the need for long lists of
synonyms in your search
s t r a t e g y .
v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v