I n d i v i d u a l F i e l d D e s c r i p t i o n s
ollowing are descriptions of the fields available in BA on CD and BA/RRM on CD.
The field label is given, followed by a description of the field and a search example.
Fields are grouped by type: subject information, author information and source
information. A record excerpt is included for each group as an illustration of the fields.
Subject Information: Title, Abstract, Descriptors,
Concept Codes, Biosystematic Codes, Super Taxa
Renal interstitial expansion in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
AB: Eighty-four patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus had
studies of renal function and quantitative renal morphometry
including mesangial volume fraction (Vvms/glom), index of
arteriolar hyalinosis, percentage of globally sclerosed glomeruli
(%GS), and interstitial volume fraction for total...
CC: CC12508 (Pathology-General-and-Miscellaneous-Inflammation-
CC13004 (Metabolism-Carbohydrates);
CC13020 (Metabolism-Metabolic-Disorders);
CC14508 (Cardiovascular-System-Blood-Vessel-Pathology);
CC15504 (Urinary-System-and-External-Secretions-Physiology-
CC15506 (Urinary-System-and-External-Secretions-Pathology);
CC17008 (Endocrine-System-Pancreas)
CC: CC10064 (Biochemical-Studies-Proteins-Peptides-and-Amino-
CC10068 (Biochemical-Studies-Carbohydrates);
CC13012 (Metabolism-Proteins-Peptides-and-Amino-Acids)
BC: BC86215 Hominidae
ST: Animals; Chordates; Vertebrates; Mammals; Primates; Humans
This field contains the title of the original document in English. This is the author's
title, and is an essential part of the bibliographic information needed to locate the
source document. Non-English titles are translated into English and appear in this
field. Search the TI, DE and AB fields for comprehensive subject retrieval.
Search Example:
diabetes mellitus in ti
Abstracts provide a summary of the text to allow you to determine the relevancy of the
paper, prior to obtaining the source document. In BA on CD, the Abstract field is found
in 75% of the records and contains the author-written summary of the article. In
BA/RRM on CD, this field contains book synopses.
Search Example:
diabetes in ab
T I T i t l e
A B A b s t r a c t
I n d i v i d u a l F i e l d
D e s c r i p t i o n s