BIOSIS Evolutions
will be published four times this year. It is a free inform a t i o n
s e rvice for users of BIOSIS products and serv i c e s .
Editor: Gre g o ry Lester
Send comments, suggestions, or changes of address to:
E d i t o r, Marketing, Sales, and Product Development
BIOSIS, Two Commerce Square,
2001 Market Street, Suite 700,
Philadelphia, PA 19103-7095 USA
Toll Free: 1-800-523-4806, press 1 (USA and Canada)
Telephone: 215-587-4800 (Wo r l d w i d e )
Fax: 215-587-2016
I n t e rnet e-mail:
World Wide Web: www. b i o s i s . o rg
The contents of this publication are not copyrighted and may
be re p roduced provided credit is given.
BIOSIS is a not-for- p rofit organization dedicated to serving the
needs of the world's life science community since 1926.
BIOSIS is a re g i s t e red trademark of Biological Abstracts, Inc.
Other products and services herein are for identification purposes
only and may be trademarks of their respective companies.
Printed on recycled paper.
BIOSIS Evolutions
PowerPoint Presentations
Available on the Web
Now, new Microsoft PowerPoint presentations to
demonstrate BIOSIS Online, CD, and Web products
are available on our Web site. Currently, you can find
presentations for the following products and vendors:
BIOSIS Previews
for SilverPlatter and Ovid
Biological Abstracts
for SilverPlatter and Ovid
Biological Abstracts/RRM (Reports, Reviews,
for SilverPlatter and Ovid
We designed these PowerPoint presentations, which
are perfect for use in the classroom or at a desktop,
to educate our users through a series of graphically
enhanced slides. Also, be on the lookout, we are
constantly adding new presentations for different
vendors and products.
To download PowerPoint presentations
from our Web site, go to
New Training Representative
Philippa Stevens has been appointed as the new
BIOSIS' Training Representative for New Zealand.
Ms. Stevens joins BIOSIS' training staff after three
years as Information Services Librarian, Badham
Library, University of Sydney. Badham Library serves
the School of Biological Sciences and the
Faculties of Agriculture and Veterinary Science.
In her role as a BIOSIS training representative,
Ms. Stevens will train users of BIOSIS
products throughout Australia and New Zealand.
Ms. Stevens is a joint winner of the John
Metcalfe Scholarship for Library Studies, and
completed her education in 1994 with a
Diploma of Information Management-
Librarianship in 1994 from the University of New
South Wales. She received her BA with honors from
the University of Sydney in 1993.
"I have developed and taught classes for clients of
Badham Library intensively over the last three years,"
Ms. Stevens explains. "Although the library is not a
physically large library, they have a substantial number
of students to whom I taught information-retrieval skills,
including more than 400 biology students. In fact,
Badham's most heavily used database is Biological
, and Zoological Record is used extensively too."
Information-retrieval skills training was one of
Ms. Stevens' most challenging duties, and also her
favorite. "It is an exciting time to be involved in
training as the skills of clients increase, leading to
an increased understanding of the complexities of
electronic information retrieval, as well as more
skilled use of such systems."
Customers who would like further information on
training can contact the BIOSIS User Communications
Group at Internet e-mail: or by
telephone at 1-800-523-4806 (USA and Canada);
215-587-4800 (Worldwide); or e-mail Philippa Stevens
at or they can fill out
the enclosed response card.
BIOSIS' sales representative in Australia and New
Zealand is DA Information Services Pty., Ltd., 648
Whitehorse Road Mitcham Victoria 3132 Australia.
Philippa Stevens