BIOSIS Evolutions
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for chemotherapy.
2 .
(antineoplastic adj drug) / Chemicals & Biochemicals
Search therapeutic method in the Methods &
Equipment field to retrieve studies where cancer
therapy may or may not involve drug treatment.
3 .
(therapeutic adj method)/ Methods & Equipment
4 .
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A full record from this search when done through SilverPlatter:
T I T L E : Biochemical modulation of 5-fluorouracil by leucovorin with or without interf e ron-alpha-2c
in patients with advanced colorectal cancer: Final results of a randomised phase III study.
AUTHOR, EDITOR, INVENTOR: H a u s m a n i n g e r-H {a}; Moser-R; Samonigg-H; Mlineritsch-B;
Schmidt-H; Pecherstorf e r-M; Fridrik-M; Kopf-Ch; Nitsche-D; Kaider-A; Ludwig-H
AUTHOR ADDRESS: {a} Division of Oncology, LKA, 5020, Salzburg, Austria
S O U R C E : E u ro p e a n - J o u rn a l - o f - C a n c e r. March, 1999; 35 (3) 380-385.
P U B L I C ATION YEAR: 1 9 9 9
DOCUMENT TYPE: A rt i c l e
I S S N : 0 9 5 9 - 8 0 4 9
L A N G U A G E : E n g l i s h
A B S T R A C T: 5 - F l u o rouracil (5-FU) remains the mainstay of treatment for advanced colorectal
c a rcinoma, although response rates are generally less than 20%. Improved therapeutic efficacy
has been re p o rted using biochemical modulation of 5-FU by leucovorin (LV) or interf e ron alpha
doses used in the study did not provide any clinical benefit over 5-FU/LV alone and cannot be
recommended for routine use in the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer.
MAJOR CONCEPTS: G a s t ro e n t e rology- (Human-Medicine, Medical-Sciences); Oncology-
(Human-Medicine, Medical-Sciences); Pharm a c o l o g y -
SUPER TA X A : Hominidae-: Primates-, Mammalia-, Ve rtebrata-, Chordata-, Animalia-
O R G A N I S M S : human- (Hominidae-): patient-
TAXA NOTES: Animals-; Chordates-; Humans-; Mammals-; Primates-; Ve rt e b r a t e s -
CHEMICALS AND BIOCHEMICALS: i n t e rf e ron-alpha-2c: antineoplastic-drug,
c o m b i n a t i o n - t h e r a p y, phase-III-clinical-trial, immunologic-drug, efficacy-; leucovorin-:
a n t i n e o p l a s t i c - d rug, efficacy-, intravenous-administration, phase-III-clinical-trial, combination-
therapy; 5-fluorouracil: antineoplastic-drug, combination-therapy, dosage-schedule, eff i c a c y - ,
phase-III-clinical-trial, intravenous-administration
D I S E A S E S : a d v a n c e d - c o l o rectal-cancer: digestive-system-disease, neoplastic-disease;
h e m a t o l o g i c a l - t o x i c i t y
METHODS AND EQUIPMENT: chemotherapy-: therapeutic-method
MISCELLANEOUS DESCRIPTORS: d ru g - d rug-interaction; gastro i n t e s t i n a l - t o x i c i t y
A LT E R N ATE INDEXING: C o l o re c t a l - N e o p l a s m s - ( M e S H )
ACCESSION NUMBER: 1 9 9 9 0 0 1 4 8 1 4 8
U P D ATE CODE: 1 9 9 9 0 6 0 7
P rolonged severe 5-fluorouracil-associated neurotoxicity in a
patient with dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency.
Biochemical modulation of 5-fluorouracil by leucovorin with or
without interf e ron-alpha-2c in patients with advanced colore c-
tal cancer: Final results of a randomised phase III study.
Adjuvant therapy of obstructive colon cancer.
Successful neoadjuvant chemotherapy of nonresectable
c o l o rectal liver metastases: An interd i s c i p l i n a ry appro a c h .
C P T-11 in gastrointestinal cancer.
Adjuvant therapy with oral fluoropyrimidines as main hemo-
therapeutic agents after curative resection for colorectal
cancer: Individual patient data meta-analysis of randomized
t r i a l s .
Adjuvant therapy for colonic carc i n o m a .
BIOSIS welcomes Bill Rahe as the new Senior Vice
President for Information Technology. In this position,
he is responsible for developing technical solutions in
support of new product development and the further
evolution of BIOSIS' database.
"We are fortunate to obtain someone of Bill's ability,"
said John Anderson, President of BIOSIS. "He adds a
crucial element to a team that will allow BIOSIS to
raise the bar of excellence in our industry yet again."
Bill Rahe comes to BIOSIS with 25 years of experience
that spans the modern information age. From his begin-
nings as an electrical engineer to his most recent
position as Executive Vice President of Axiom, Inc.,
Rahe has made a career of creating solutions to
information technology problems and developing
successful new products and services.
"Information abounds in our society, but the means to
filtering out the bad information to get to the good is
not always available," said Rahe. "BIOSIS has built a
reputation not just in providing quality information to
the life sciences community, but in organizing that
information so that it is both readily accessible and
pertinent. Information technology is the conduit
through which life sciences researchers will access the
data they need; up-to-date, and in real-time."
Bill Rahe Appointed Senior Vice President, Information Technology
Bill Rahe