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CNN - 2000ats
Although only three in ten (30%) students mention having a job that is mean-
ingful to them as one of the two most important aspects of the job they will have after
they finish their education, two-thirds (64%) think that it is very likely that their job
will be meaningful (Exhibit 9.4). Half of students think that it is very likely that their
job will enable them to have fun at work (53%), earn lots of money (52%) and have
good benefits, like health insurance (50%).
Exhibit 9.4
Likely Job Characteristics
Q445 How likely will it be that the job you have after you finish your education will be the
% "Very likely"
Intersection of Work and Family
Half of secondary school students (50%) and parents (52%) strongly agree that it's
important for a parent to stay at home and take care of their children when they are
young (Exhibit 9.5). Yet, only four in ten students (38%) think it is very likely that
the job they have after they finish their education will allow time for personal or fam-
ily activities (Exhibit 9.4). In terms of how they view their current situation, one in
eight students (13%) think their parents spend too much time at work, compared to
one-quarter (23%) of secondary school parents who describe their situation that way
(Exhibit 9.6).

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