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CNN - 2000ats
C H A P T E R 9 :
Earning lots of money and having time for personal or family activities rank high on
students' list of important job characteristics. Although teachers and parents think
that earning lots of money is important to students, they are less likely to recognize
the importance placed on having enough time for family. Today's teens are interest-
ed in pursuing careers in entertainment, high tech, education, health care, and law.
Parents and teachers believe that the areas that offer the most potential are high tech,
education and health care. However, teachers are also more likely to say that blue
collar and service areas (such as retail, construction and restaurants or hotels) offer
potential for their students.
Personal Milestones
At what age do today's teens expect to achieve many of life's milestones? On average,
today's teen expects to buy their first car at 19, get their first full-time job at 21, get
married at 25, buy their first house at 26, have their first child at 27 and retire at 61
(Exhibit 9.1). Most of these ages, in fact, reflect current national averages. One
exception is the age at which they will buy their first house. The national median age
for first-time home buyers is 32 years.
Teens today expect to purchase their first
home six years earlier than this, on average.
Competing Voices
"My career goals and business potential are moving at an exponential rate.
As a computer consultant it isn't difficult to establish yourself in the
work force." (11th grade boy)
"I just don't think that I will succeed." (11th grade girl)
1 National Association of Realtors, 2000

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