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CNN - 2000ats
Exhibit 5.4
Groups of People Trusted
Q.360 How much do you trust the following groups of people?
Base: All students
% Trust "Only A Little/Not At All"
A student's family income and race or ethnic background are both associated
with lower levels of trust (Exhibits 5.5 - 5.7). Students' trust of teachers is related to
both family income and race or ethnic background. Students' trust of family is relat-
ed to family income and their trust of friends is related to minority status:
Minority students are more likely than non-minority students to trust only a lit-
tle or not at all their teachers (47% vs. 37%) and their friends (17% vs. 6%).
Students in low-income families are more likely than those with higher incomes
to trust only a little or not at all their teachers (53% vs. 39% vs. 38%) and their
family (20% vs. 8% vs. 5%)
Exhibit 5.5
Students' Trust of Teachers
Base: All students
% Trust Teachers "Only A Little/Not At All"

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