CNN 2000ats Page 71
How do students view their role in having people get along together? Most stu-
dents (80%) feel a lot or somewhat responsible for this aspect of life (Exhibit 5.3).
Girls and boys do differ in their view, with girls more likely than boys to feel respon-
sible (85% vs. 77%).
Exhibit 5.3
Students Feel Responsible for Having People Get Along
Q525E How responsible do you personally feel to help with each of the following? Having
people get along together.
Base: School respondents
One component of people getting along with each other, and of relationships in gen-
eral, is trust. How does students' trust, or lack thereof, differ among the various peo-
ple in their lives? A striking four in ten students (39%) trust their teachers only a little
or not at all. Students are four times more likely to express this low level of trust
about their teachers as they are about their friends and family (Exhibit 5.4).