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CNN - 2000ats
"Because either a) the teacher would overreact and make it a big deal, or b) the
teacher wouldn't do anything and tell me to ignore the person." (9th grade girl)
"They wouldn't handle the situation right and in the end, it wouldn't be anonymous."
(10th grade boy)
"Teachers are worried about their own safety. They don't mix in with student prob-
lems. Even though it is a part of their job description they aren't too keen on help-
ing." (11th grade boy)
"I would rather go to my friends and I wouldn't want to feel like a baby."
(8th grade girl)
"Unless the teacher witnesses the event, it's my word against theirs. Usually, no one
is willing to come forward and confirm things, so the teacher has no choice but to do
nothing about it." (9th grade girl)
"Again, my teachers don't really care. They would stop a fight that breaks out, but
would not help if they didn't know it was happening. Friends are more reliable...and
more trustworthy." (10th grade boy)
"If you went to a teacher it would be like tattling or ratting somebody out. Kids today
all think they can take care of the situation as I think I can too. Only the people that
don't have a lot of friends or are the so called ` nerds' go to teachers or principal type
model. I don't want to be coming off like I don't like the `nerds' and I am not being
prejudiced against them." (9th grade girl)
"I feel that my relationship with my teachers is more on a just-at-school basis that
doesn't lend itself to discussing my personal problems with them." (11th grade boy)
"Because I don't think they'd understand." (9th grade boy)
"Unless you are very close with the teacher, they are typically overworked, under-
appreciated, over-stressed, over-hassled and they have their own lives, so they don't
have time to help out one student." (10th grade boy)
"Because I wouldn't feel right talking to them about my feelings." (8th grade girl)

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